In this MicroLesson (ML012), learn how to play a fun rhythm pattern in this Bo Diddley inspired rhythm guitar lesson.
1 Minute Version
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Slow Walk-Through
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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I like what you are starting
hi is the feeling in this 8 notes like 2/8 is= 3/8 feeling ?
The Microlessons are amazing!!!
I love this concept.
Cheers, Debra
agre particular the Slow Walk-Through! on the
On-Screen Tab Viewer
Love this! Couldn’t stop playing it today. Thanks Brian.
very cool… thanks Brian
Tell us about the (new ?)guitar!
These Micro Lessons are just great! This is one lesson that I need to learn so if someone says play something I can do so and it sounds fantastic. Thanks!
always loved what quicksilver did with this beat
Late in the day, challenging, but so much fun