For this week's guitar lesson, you'll learn how to use intervals and the 5 major scale positions to be able to improvise in any key - using this composition as a basic guide. … [Read more...]
Ragtime Blues Lead on Acoustic Guitar – Acoustic Blues Guitar Lesson – EP295
In this week's guitar lesson, you'll learn how to play lead on acoustic guitar over a ragtime piano rhythm backing track. Even though the backing track has lots of chords, I'll show you an easy way to improvise a lead over it. … [Read more...]
A Practical Approach to the CAGED System on Guitar – EP273
In this week's guitar lesson, I'll explain a unique way of looking at the CAGED system, which allows you to play chords in multiple locations up the neck of the guitar. Once you understand this system, you'll be able to enhance your rhythm and lead playing by being able to easily identify all of the chord shapes throughout the entire neck of the guitar. This lesson comes with 3 practice compositions (at 3 different levels) to help you incrementally build up your understanding of this system. … [Read more...]
Learn a slow, blues guitar lead using the major pentatonic scale. EP260
In this week's guitar lesson, you'll learn how to play a slow (B.B King inspired) lead in the key of F using the major pentatonic scale. I'll give you several tips for incorporating major pentatonic scale licks into your solos when you improvise. … [Read more...]