In this week’s guitar lesson, you’ll learn how to use all 5 positions of the CAGED System to create a standalone composition. Also included is a brief overview of how MODES work.
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walkthrough
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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The lesson will always interest many players and the graphics are a great idea.
This kind of thing is the very reason I signed up for Premium membership. He plays something at the start that makes me go “Wow”, what is that?…..half an hour later I’m actually playing it and even adding my own variations. A beautiful Ry Cooder-esque country/gospel waltz. Love it. Must have played it 10 or 15 times just today
Wow! The light bulbs are strobing on this one. Simple but effective way to put scales and chords together with CAGED!
Thanks Brian!
Beautifully put! My fingers have remembered the overlap with some other songs of Brian’s and I’ve “got” this one in record time.
Keep em coming!
Great lesson Brian! A few months ago I was noodling with I, IV, V arpeggios in the same position and it just clicked for me that they all fit in the major scale pattern of the I chord in that position. Duh! Of course, but when your brain actually sees it there on the fretboard, and theory becomes reality, it suddenly becomes accessible. I think this week’s lesson will do the same for many folks. Thanks Brian!
Solid point Michael. There are many ways to think of why different notes fit but I like yours and thanks for pointing it out!
Thanks for back to the caged system Like the way you approach it🤔🤔🤔
Nobody teaches the cage system like you do this lesson is awsome nvery understanable as to how to move around the fretboardan just use the notes out of the barr positions love it
What a great way of showing the CAGED system. Displaying it with just pieces of the shapes surely will create some light bulb moments. Very cool lesson.
Thanks Brian
Like this a lot Brian. Goes perfectly with 374 & 390. I have been trying to take your advice and memorize the G major scale in all 5 positions, this just demonstrates it even better. It’s really interesting how the CAGE system does lend itself to sounding so different than just a normal 1-4-5 progression. Getting this modal sound is a wonderful addition to learning this. We all strive to sound different and this helps a lot. Another weekly hit!
Totally loved the modal element too. Thing is you’ve just got to believe that you innatley know the different modes once you’ve got the major scale.
Awesome Brian!
Another great lesson, still trying to fully understand the CAGED system. Very clever composition, I always find 3/4 time a bit easier to play, that guitar has a beautiful sound. Looking forward to learning this one. Thanks Brian, your lesson is always a highlight of the week.
I am always finding a lesson in which I say this is your best lesson yet, Brian, and this one is certainly the best one when it comes to learning the CAGED system.
I have been working on lesson 489 to better learn the Pentatonic patterns, lesson 506 to learn Diatonic patterns, and now this one comes along and ties it all together in terms of the CAGED system. You’ve taught me more in those three lessons than I have learned in a lifetime of studying and learning on my own.
On top of all that it helps us better understand how Modes work. What more could a guitar student possibly want to know.
To use a hackneyed baseball metaphor, you’ve knocked it out of the park again, Brian.
Every week I have to repeat myself, but this is one of the best lessons yet! Maybe its because of all the background you have taught prior. When you put the major scale and the pentatonics along with the modes its all making sense. So as always I look forward each week to another lesson. Great job!
One of your many best teaching lessons tks
Excellent lesson Brian.
Awesome lesson! VG31 is a hidden gem and totally relevant to this lesson.
Brian, Why isn’t VG31 inside the active melody site? I stumbled into it on YouTube since it was on the bar of links that floats on your homepage. Make me wonder what other gems are out there.
Hi Daniel
Yes I found that a while ago as well …..and I 100% agree with you.
I figured out how to play it by watching the video – and it’s one of the most beautiful melodies I have learned – As I say below, it introduced me to Western Swing and I’m starting to love it – ideal for a Summer evening on the deck.
I also noticed that Brian had that Gibson 175 back then – it’s a serious music box!
Thanks for bringing the focus back to the CAGED System. I can really use the reinforcement. I work on the CAGED System for a while and then move on to something else and forget all about it. I suppose I need CAGED System lessons 10,00 times to create those neural pathways needed to know this so well that I don’t have to think about it. Thanks Brian
Thanks, Brian. My revelation about CAGED came when I realized every shape consists of chord tones. Handy to visualize while I work on improvising leads.
Great lesson. A funny spot for me on Part 2 around 8:00 mins. was the “C” and “D” shape confusion. I’ve always got hung up on that and just blew by it. I’m glad you validated my hang up!
I like learning these simple country licks and developing a love of Country / Western Swing thanks to you.
I’m starting to learn to tie together all these licks an re-purpose them in other improv.
Serious looking piece of new kit? Gibson – 175? 1960 / 61? ……. Beautiful
Looking forward to the tour of your collection
I like it, Brian
Barry B UK
sonds different and little etheral. it gives a direction and lot of room for experimenting with the caged system. i am only learning bar chords and caged system now. will use this lesson to see if i can bring out a couple of lines or notes myself instead of just copying the song and playing.
thanks brian
I really love this Brian, thank you. Like all your lessons, it’s packed with information & guidance & I find this one especially good as it so effectively connects so many concepts – scales, chord shapes, arpegios, CAGED, melody, rhythm, timing, etc. Thank you.
Always makes my day to learn a new tune. Thank you as always 🙂
Hi Brian
Love all your lessons and have for quite a while now but for the last 2 lessons I can not print from sound slice . Do you know if any changes have been done.?
thx a lot Brian
one point remains for me:
You prefer the flat 7 and therefor you play mostly E mixolydian with the scale of A
When you stay in the scale then your mode when playing A is ionian and when playing B it is dorian.
But you could use also the mixolydian modes for A and B.
Perhaps you could make another lesson for this?
Well something clicked with this lesson. Light bulb moment! Five caged scales, run through each with five modes; connecting to major and minor chords along the way😎 Thanks! This is fun!🎶
Great lesson Brian.
Great lesson, beautiful Gibson(:
Totally cool display of cage and scales and busses. Stuff I knew about but never practiced. This will be an interesting journey to where ever the next door is. Remembering an open door opens another door and more. Thanks.
Fascinating lesson Brian. Several lights came on. CAGED positioning, scales, modes and emotes (if that’s a word).
Brian, you sneaky devil. Am I am paranoid or you have been leading up to this for months?
Lightbulbs? Rather fireworks. Great and powerful stuff. As usual.
such thorough coverage! Love it Brian!
Wow, Vince Gill owned your guitar. He is also a personal favourite of mine. It is an absolute beaut’. Looking forward to your guitar video, that will be cool.
This was an excellent lesson on how to use CAGED.
A solid lesson. Really crystalizes the movement within a space and now it is up to us to workout our own sounds. I think I will formulate something like into my daily practice routine.
Which brings me to a tiny nit… It would have been great to have this in a pure backing track form too. Sure I can make one (already did on my looper) but your are always so much nicer.
Thanks for hearing me out.
Cannot print the tabulature for the second part of this lesson. What do I do?
I’m feeling a little frustrated. I found this under beginner weekly lessons and am finding it difficult to play especially holding a triad form and sliding over an extra fret with a single finger while holding the others in place. I’ve been playing for about a year and am having hard time with this. Do I need to start elsewhere?
Many thanks for a helpful lesson, Brian. One thing I didn’t get though: are you sure that in Bars 12-13 (D-shape A chord) you are playing A Lydian (E major scale)? Wouldn’t we then expect to be seeing a Dsharp instead of a D natural? These two bars are just A Major (Ionian)?
Another good lesson on!
I seen Vince play that guitar years ago with the Time Jumpers at the Station Inn. Vince was nice enough to autograph my guitar that night. I remember he had a fan with horrible breath that just wouldn’t stop talking to him and Vince was so patient but with him. I thought he was going to be so annoyed after this guy that I don’t even want to ask. He signed my guitar, I thanked him and walked away. A testament to what a great guy Vince is.
Great lesson! Having a lot of trouble making the C shape E. Can I take away the pinkie or the 2nd finger?