In this week’s guitar lesson, you’ll learn how to play a bluesy version of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” that’s played fingerstyle. This is also a solo composition that requires no accompaniment AND it sounds great on acoustic or electric guitar. I’ll also share my thoughts on how you can go about creating your own solo guitar compositions like this.
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walk-Through
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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Hey, Brian!! Very cool!! All we need now is a nice fire and those marsh mellows!! OK……….and a few cold brews wouldn’t hurt either!!! Jim C.
wow….just wow
Tyrion’s gi0l
Reminds me of James Taylor who’s music and style I love.
Great lesson, I’m looking forward to getting started on this one Brian.
Many thanks
Martin from North Essex UK
Hi Brian, I’m an old English guy and a veteran of many guitar sites. I have to say that, for me, your lessons are far and away the best. You have a great ability to pull together chords, scales, licks and riffs into usable chunks and not teach lessons with no context. Your ‘takeaways’ are always useful and you’ve managed to make some concepts I’ve struggled with understandable and most importantly ,playable. Wish I’d found you years ago Thanks so much.
Very well stated… and I couldn’t agree with you more..!
Love the percussive feel !!! Thanks Brian
Great lesson Brian, some cool take a ways.
Ray P
Thanks. I’ll get started on this one.
Just SO Sweet…& I’m diabetic…don’t care, I’m diving in !
Great lesson. Appreciate the explanation on why and how the chords and s scales fit together. It’s like unlocking a puzzle.
I always love the no accompaniment pieces. This is a super cool twist and blast to play (and noodle over…). Thank you 👍🏻
Can’t say enough how nice it is to have you taking a look at some of these old traditional pieces. More….. I was all set to start another one then you post and dangle this in front of me. Now I can’t get it out of my head. There is only one cure I have found for that.
Very cool. I’m a relative beginner and trying my hardest to get this down. Luv it though. Cheers
Like these bluesy versions of classic tunes for solo guitar with no accompaniment (currently working on Amazing Grace) More please eg Precious Lord take my hand, How Great Thou art, I’ll Fly Away, etc etc
id love to see more gospel songs as well.
Add me to list of Gospel requests!
I absolutely LOVE your bluesy arrangements, Brian and especially played fingerstyle! You have such gift for adding just enough sparkle but keeping it simple at the same time, Swing Low Sweet Chariot never sounded so good to me before. What a great lesson, I can never thank you enough and you never cease to amaze me!
Another great arrangement, thanks Brian.
Oh my lord! I am just getting the first two bars down.. and when every now and then it flows. I am transported into some kind of nirvana. Indescribable feeling. Wow! Nice one Brian (best laid out website for guitar anywhere ever!)
Hi Brian You again challenge your followers to play without pick by the way great lesson and i have to say the sound of your guitar is much better i wonder you change the ampli or not?
Please tell me about the small sunburst Martin guitar you are playing. What pickup is in it? Great job on the lessons!
That’s a Martin CEO-7 with an L.R. Baggs Anthem pickup
I really like the lesson. Thanks! Just wandering if there is a small mistake in the 5th line in the transcript? Thanks!
I meant measure… not line…. sorry
Yes I noticed that as well. The 7th fret on the 2nd string (F#) should be on the “and of beat 3” and then the click is on beat 4. Not on the and of 4. That’s how he plays it in the video. Great lesson though!
Sounds like a fun lesson. Playing call and response and slap-fret all at the same time sounds like a 3 person band to me.
You are obviously a very good person… giving so much out for free in these terrific lessons… and humble enough to call this a ‘Bluesy Version’ of this traditional piece. But I’ll just call what you’ve arranged here, The Blues… straight up..!
Thank you for all this.
When i try to expand the lesson to full screen on my iPad Pro I get a message with google chrome safari that are incapable of it. This is news to me. Any suggestions?
Great composition Brian! I especially love that D7 part.
I think the real star her is the right hand. You are always maintaining a claw position with your right hand and finger with “the right” or lets say very proper technique. I would really like to see a video on a picking technique lesson focusing on the right hand. Because in my beginning of playing guitar I think I have developed some bad habits. So this is a really good lesson for me to train the right hand.
Fun lesson. The best part is I picked up a couple of doodles I can use in the future. Thank you for your labor and love of playing Brian.
None of the videos are accessible…
Brian, this is simply beautiful and cool. Your musical gift is a Blessing. God Bless!!!—Jimmy