In this week’s guitar lesson, you’ll learn how to play a slow, soulful rhythm that includes several bluesy fill licks. This lesson is designed to help you improvise in this style, by learning how these licks are created and to help you with timing. Even though this song is technically very easy to play, it can still be very difficult to play a slow song like this because you’ll often find yourself playing ahead of the beat. Practice playing along with the included jam track to help improve your timing.
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walk-Through
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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Terrific lesson, Brian. Beautiful melody.
I hear Alabama Shakes in that cord progression . Sound and Color album. They are one of my favorite groups I love the lead guitar players cords and lead licks. Real nice Brian. Thanks
Ya man, you really got it. We are lucky that you are giving lessons instead of gigging all over the world. Great job. Captain Chuck
Lovely. Just lovely. This one will keep me busy.
Really enjoyed your commentary on this one too – especially in part 2!
Thank you for this, Brian!
I definitely wanted more of that one!
Beautiful! Thanks Brian
Love it!! Slow blues is my favorite…lots of feeling
the jam track with guitar is another lesson?
Sorry about that! I’ve fixed this.
Love those soulful tunes in the 200+ lesson series. Awesome stuff Brian !
Thank you Brian, Please make one correction. The “with guitar download” is a totally different song! However, beautiful song!
Sorry about that! I’ve fixed this.
Loving the rhythm. I think I connected more with this than the
Jimi series.
Would love to hear more of the same in different time signatures.
Beyond that, there were so many gems.
Don’t know how you do it, but keep it up.
Thanks, Brian
Great , keep these kind of progressions coming !
Another fantastic lesson. I love those soulful lessons of yours!
The house is empty, the amp volume is up…and this masterclass beckons
Great work again Brian. Thanks ☺
Time to go out and sit on the dock of bay !!!
cool lesson it sounds to me a little like Santana ballad Samba Pa Ti..
Beautiful. I’m on vacation now without my guitar. Can’t wait to get home and work on this beautiful tune. Thanks Brian.
What a great progression! Got out the Epiphone 335 , turned up the tremolo and wow, Harley dog went right to sleep with no howling!
At a time when too much of the blues is loud, fast, barroom blues, this melodic blues is exactly what I want.
Nice one Brian, slow n sweet with tenderness.
Best wishes
Brain thank you again! Can we get a quick lesson on how to play the rhythm for this one please love this lesson!
Are you kidding me?! That’s an incredibly beautiful melody!! Thank you for more terrific content!!
Brian, this one is like a soothing
Oops. Like a soothing salve for an aching heart. Lost my sister two weeks ago, and then the shootings in Vegas. I can’t stop playing this one. It’s a lifeline out of a dark place. Thank you
beautiful melody!
Thanks so much Brian. Your lessons have been making my guitar experience a labor of love. Haven’t been playing that long but am way ahead of where I thought I’d be at this time and have truly been enjoying the ride.
J’aime beaucoup Brian. You are my guitar and english teacher.
Beautiful Melody Brian ,Thank you
Wow, I’m LOVING playing this one.
I second the call for a (micro) lesson with suggestions on how to approach the rhythm part. Maybe broken down into verse – chorus.
Is this a standard progression?
Hi Brian, I really love this lesson. Slow blues is my favorite, and I like to hang out in the minor key neighborhoods. There are loads of good guitar teachers on the internet these days, but you’re the only one I pay, and frankly, I don’t think you charge enough.
Keep up the good work, and ignore the occasional negative comment. You can’t please everyone, and there are people out there that enjoy being trolls.
I love the early Peter Green, along with Jeremy Spencer and Danny Kirwan in the first iteration of Fleetwood Mac,
Another Fantastic Lesson Too Many to Choose From And Not enough Hours in The Day, Any Chance of Some John Mayer Style. Thank you Brian.
Love the lesson, on another note tho’ what size strings would you recommend for a Ibanez LP Custom(circa 1997)? I’m not sure what I have on there now, it’s been so long since I’ve played this one I forgot what I put on. They are not holding a tune and beginning to get a slight buzz on the higher D, G, and B strings’
Sorry Brian, the Ibanez is a 1976 Custom LP
Is anyone else having the issue of the music not following the tablature when selecting the “audio only” option?
Hey Billy – I have corrected this. Just refresh the page and the audio should be in sync now.
Brilliant. So much fun to play.
fantastic Brian and a great takeaway on the partial sus4 , i can’t help feeling this piece has room or deserves a crescendo cascading section up the neck before coming back down and slowing it back down to a calm again . I’m playing around up there perhaps that would be over egging it or spoil it lol hey you got to experiment .
Not spoiling it at all. You’re definitely on the right track by hearing something, and trying to work that out on your own. That’s awesome.
this is my favorite lesson so far. Really beautiful melody! Soulful and complex sounding. Thank you for tying all the scales and theory into it. I had a lot of breakthroughs with this one that will really help my soloing.
Many thanks
Nice lesson, nice piece. Been playing it with plenty of reverb and tremolo. Great slow 60s R&B sound.
More, please 🙂
Loved it!
Are these progressions and fill licks movable? And can you do some more of this style?
Hi Brian,
great lesson, I learn a lot! I have just a question. Is the Tab a bit different in bar 4 to your playing?
Greetings from Germany
Hey Brian, I’ve been a subscriber of yours for a couple of years, and have thoroughly enjoyed your lessons and manner. Nice easy-going, and very adult, which is nice to see. I’m not really into posting comments or anything like that, but I felt compelled to say something on this one. This tune and melody are absolutely beautiful. When I heard it, it blew me away and reminded me of a song I was turned onto a long time ago by Pops Staples and The Staples Singers. It’s called ” Too Close.” More of those beautiful gospel style chord changes and soul stuff would be awesome. Thanks for what you do, man.
Thank you – and I’m familiar with that one by the Staples. Excellent song!
Sounds so soulful with a touch of Keith Richards, beautiful Brian ! I think this is very doable. Peace
This is a lovely piece to play. I was quite surprised how much the use of tremolo effect enhanced it.
I had never before used the tremolo effect which is on board my amp. and I had never envisaged wanting to use it.
Just applied the tremolo to another very nice piece I play which I thought might benefit from it. Sure enough, it lifted it even more.
Many thanks Brian.
Great lesson Brian, I think this is one of my favourites to date. Love the slow blues and also love how you explain when the notes and scales fit in with the chords. Even if it is a case of the more I learn the more I understand how little I actually know!!
I am more confused than usual. I can’t find an example of g major pentatonic box 4 except with the root on 10th fret. What is the fingering for the location you mention at start of song?
Great Song! However, unless I missed it, what key are we working in here? I also had trouble following the chord progression. What is it exactly?
Thanks, i really enjoyed this!
So, so good. More like this PLEASE!!!!
You are so inspiring to so many Brian. This song is sooooo soul soothing…gives me the chill bumps. I am making a personal thesis on learning all i can learning to play this one….theory and technique and timing.
Its so much fun ….and you make it fun to learn. I am a subscriber with so much thanks for what you do for the guitar community.
One question…..about guitar theory relating to this song….are these cords just the cords of the Gmajor scale? I think the B cord of the Gmajor scale is a B diminished but isn’t this B played in something other than diminished in this song? Can you please elaborate on how these cords work together to make such great tune?
Keep it up. Thank you so very much for helping make better guitar players. Cheers from Columbia SC USA.
Active melody is evolving to another level. This lesson is FULL of resources. Really, I encourage everybody to support brian with the premium. Thanks thanks and thanks! Your passion and dedication deserve the 60 bucks!!
Great Throwback Thursday revision i didn’t appreciate the not only the beauty but the importance of this composition first time round , it wasn’t published that long ago either and i already forgot how to play Gsus4 when running through the rhythm . It was great stopping the video trying to work out where the lead was going next after learning the chord progression . I would like to know difference between 6/8 time and 3/4 and will try youtube for that one . Thanks Brian for providing a fabulous all round value package for us wannabe’s lol
This is in the top three lessons for sure next to the BB King Ballad. Any lesson focusing on the rithm would be welcomed. Learning the chords is easy but get the rithm right for a blues and especially for a soulful blues that is a challange for me and I assume some of the others as well… THANKS
I’m finding it very helpful to learn/memorize the song in full and the really dig into it with why things work. Anyone else find this works for them? Thanks again Brian
Thanks so much Brian, a beautiful melody and many good things to learn here, or as you say “take aways”
Such a beautiful song!!!!!!!! Thanks Brian!
did a search for lessons in G and stumbled on this one.What a great lesson.Fairly easy to learn and an absolute pleasure to play.
This is absolutely beautiful. I am loving working on this lesson!
This is the stuff that moves my soul!!!!!! I vevgone as far as breaking up with a few women, bc they wanna listen to 2pac all day which is cool…i come from that ERA…My brother and i even had a contract for hip hop music from 03/06…BC no one understood this , especially then aND i had to make music one way or another!!!! No body really mentions it, but the late GREATTTT! Amy winehouse…breathed some life back into the old rnb/bluesey sound! Too talented to deny! I got sooo disgusted with music and the direction they had us going by late 05′
Ijust threw in the towel! HERE I AM! pushing 40! Built a beautiful studio in my house!!! And im going for it! I know i have atleast one classic album in me! NO OUTSIDE suits or producers! just myself and all the late greats to study and reference MARVIN, AMY, JIMMY,MUDDY Even ol’ blueveyes..just TO mention a few.. no synths, or electric sounds! just pure vintage soul with a twist! And id love for you to take part in it! in about a month OR so ill send you a couple songs! god bless! your very talented i didnt hear a bad note in any lesson yet! all beautiful music straight from the SOUL!