In this lesson, you’ll learn a few classic Jerry Garcia licks that are based off of the A chord shape (from the CAGED System). You’ll see how that they can easily be played in any key. Great for jamming 🙂
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Play-through with tab
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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Thanks so much for this, Brian. I love Jerry Garcia! He was the best.
I got so much out of this. These patterns are starting to come together!
Huge thumbs up!
Wow – more Garcia than I’ve learned in any 10 minutes? Are you kidding – brilliant?
I have been seriously thinking about premium membership! In the past I have subscribed to online lessons and ended up disappointed with the same old thing people teach on YouTube. What really makes you different?
You can look through the lessons and watch the Part 1 videos for free to get a good idea of what I offer. The basic premise is showing you how to PLAY guitar, instead of just memorizing songs.. how to jam, write your own music and improvise.
Dave T-
It is money well spent. You literally can’t find anything more cost effective to learning regardless of your level. There is so much great stuff to learn. Every lesson has some technique in it that Brian is introducing or is revisiting so that we can become more proficient at that little soloing nugget. The Jam Tracks are worth more than the price of admission. I like doing it this way- step 1) Learn (by memory) the notes and chords, rests, hammer ons, bends, slurs etc. Step 2 ) go back and as much as possible try to learn the piece and play it like Brian does with all the nuances and then 3 ) Make it mine. I play the first time around as close to the way Brian plays it and then I improvise over the next few times around hopefully using some of the techniques or embellishments that I have focused on while learning it but playing it my style.
I agree with everything P.B. says. I think Brian’s is the best. Well worth the cost.
I’m also am a huge fan of the Dead.
thanks Brian
I couldn’t agree more with what Philip B. wrote!
you will not regret it….worth every cent.
Thumbs up PB!
Absolutely, couldn’t agree more!
Great lesson. So are you playing the A pentatonic blues scale over all the chord changes just in different positions?
I’ve bought subscriptions in the past from other on-line teachers. No disrespect, at all, to Steve Stine or Eric Andreas, but the best fit for me, by far, is Brian’s Active Melody. My playing has improved dramatically with his tutelage. The Premium version is well worth the money, imho.
I was in the same mind as you but after the first week I realized that it was the best money spent. I have tried other on line tutor sites and in person tutoring. Brian explains it so well it just makes you want to give it a go.
Dear Dave,
I can only echo the view of the other replies. The amount of enjoyment I have received over the one year that I have been a premium member is tough to put in words.
Brian teaches with such a genuine feel and his music is so creative.
But above all that what Brian says below is true. I was struggling before I came across Brian but not my understanding of the guitar is greatly improved. I still love playing what I learn from Brian through his lessons but I also now have the ability to jam by myself or with another person.
Well worth the money. All the best with your decision.
I’d echo what everyone else has said about Brian’s lessons. I’ve had a number of ‘light bulb moments’ as he calls them, in the couple of months I’ve subscribed. I find most of his lessons relevant to my learning, and there is a vast back catalogue to delve into. Money well spent for me!
This is without a doubt the best lesson site around. Clear and concise. I’m a beginner and can’t believe how quickly I’ve picked up using Brian’s approach. I love being able to print the tablature and play along with the jam tracks. I go back to the lessons several times to make sure I get it right.
The best money I’ve spent on my short guitar journey.
Hello Dave T
Maybe I could reply to your thought, which I understand. I’m a 72-year old living in the uk, playing since the sixties, did 5 years back then busking around Europe, settled in Antwerp (sharing a flat with Derroll Adams) and playing in bands and solo on the folk club circuit. Reckoned (by the totally uninitiated) to be pretty good. Then in the last few years I have taken it up again with the aim of understanding what I was doing and getting to be what I myself would consider pretty good. Back then we had no internet and players were often competitive and jealous and learning was slow.
Now I have signed up/Patreoned several people and I got something from all of them, but only really in snippets here and there.
I enjoyed Brian’s free lessons a lot and noticed that he wasn’t a cover-version merchant, although he was very good at ‘how to play in the style of . . ‘ lessons. Like you I didn’t want to shell out what seemed like quite a lot of money, when I was getting a lot from the free lessons. It was EP385 that finally decided me to sign up because I wanted to be able to improvise in that jazzy way Brian does so well- and I was gobsmacked at how much easier it was to learn things when you have the tabs, extra lesson, and most of all, the slow walkthrough video-with-tab which you can slow down/speed up. I’d say, and sorry to have been so long-winded up to now, that the key reason to sign up is that YOU DO ACTUALLY END UP PLAYING THE STUFF which I very often just don’t with the other teachers I used. I think that’s a combination of the membership tools I was describing and of course Brian himself, who is an impeccable player in many styles but also a warm, humble and self-effacing teacher who doesn’t annoy the hell out of you (he’s not paying me for this by the way!) I just hope this might help you decide. I would say, give it a shot- I now play every day again and I understand what I’m doing which I never did before so sometimes it went great, but often it went wrong. Good luck with your playing.
It is the, “Look what else you can do right here!”, that separates Brian from all the others. You learn how to learn. You learn how to see more than just what the lesson is about. AND, most important to me, you learn how to tie everything back to chord shapes.
phil g.
Do it, Dave!! Brian’s definitely got going the best deal on quality guitar lessons over the Internet!! No……..I did not receive a nice guitar or even a guitar pick from Mr. Sherrill for stating all this!! :>) JIm C.
This is a no brainer, well worth what you pay for. I have never seen anything negative written about Brian’s videos. Great guitar player, his method of teaching is simple and to the point.
I have been a member for almost a year. I took weekly lessons for 4 years. I wanted to play the “Blues” which my instructor was stuck on song learning. Brian’s instructions have taken me to another level. Because of COVID ,I tried all the other YouTube instructors and stumbled across Brian. You will not be disappointed!
Thanks Brian! I wasn’t expecting another lesson this week but it’s a pleasant surprise. Nice use of the arpeggio over the 5 chord!
Wow! Thanks for the extra lesson. Great ! You just keep getting better each week. Guess what? I am tooooooooo!!!!!!!! Dave
Tennessee Tennessee, there aint no place id rather be
Mr. Charlie told me so…..
Hey Brian…
waited for this for some time, you just got my 70 year old fingers back pickin again….can ya keep this JG melodic riffs going…maybe a side bar? But thanks again
More Jerry/dead lessons. Jerry was awesome. . I here Tennessee jed in you ml. John Mayer has a youtube showing how to take sugaree uses 2 chords back and forth and how to stitch arpeggios, chords, scales and triads all together. Would be good to learn more of that.
Thanks Brian
Overwhelmed ! I’m still working on the Dickie Betts and Lonnie Johnsons ( right name ?) triplets .
As a premium member, and decades long player, I can say with certainly that I have learned more in the last year than I learned in decades before. This is just one more tool in the arsenal. AS a side note– everything Brian teaches can be repurposed to your style. The explanations which are thoughtful make this all happen.
Now I’m trying to turn the mechanics into something musical.
Very cool. Thank you.
I’ve been working on the harmonic minor… tired of pentatonics. (usually in Bm).
That’s the problem with trying to make a Garcia mini lesson. Once you start playing it’s hard to stop. Enjoyed the Tennesee Jedish licks!
Woo!! worth the price of admission!!
Awesome! The Grateful Dead people have been uploading tons of old concert videos on Youtube during the past couple of years, and I’ve been studying Jerry’s phrasing and licks more and more. This will be a big help.
Well, Thank You very much Brian! What a cool dude you are… tax day is tomorrow… today we play
Tax day was extended…I hope!
Brian – you and your method of teaching have impacted my guitar playing and learning more than any other teacher! The timing of this lesson is perfect as I’m coming off of a long year of not playing much and this provides a ton of inspiration. ‘Grateful’ for your dedication to all of us
You can never have too much Jerry
Thanks only fitting that you also live in Tennessee. First saw Jerry and the boys at the Fillmore in 1968. I was working there for Bill Graham with my college roommate and made 19 new Years after that show. Perfect.
Ah this is great. Love Jerry Garcia!
You really do a great job. I wish you had more of an acoustic orientation, but you have to please a lot of people. Great work here, which is not unusual.
I smiled at your line that you’re “all over the place.”. You can be but it’s endearing! I’ve just been working on EP117 from, I think 2015, and your teaching style has become so much slicker – graphics and editing are great too!
We all love you Brian – you’re the best!
And I’m going to reply to myself 😆 – the nice thing about these things called a Vlog is that they’ve a bit more pace to them, suitable for the a-bit-more experienced players like me. People should check out the forums where someone has very thoughtfully drawn up a list of all these midweek /Vlog bits… though I just can’t remember where now, sorry 🤔
Fun Lesson! Thanks Brian
Brian, your lessons ‘all over the place’ are infinitely better than any other on line classes. What comes across is how much you love the music. It’s as good as, if not better, than having a personal tutor sitting in your living room. Keep it up, and congrats on the more than 400 lessons. I have improved so much since I ‘found’ you. Looking forward to being with you beyond 500! Love the BB stuff. Where I have most trouble are those lessons mixing single note type solos with chords (call and response?); too much for my brain, any suggestions?
Brian- I realized something “on my own” during this lesson. I’ve been “aware” the rule about moving down the neck 3 frets to get from A-Minor to A-Major pentatonic boxes or scales. However, I’ve never really tried to apply it. Well today , i “recognized” it, on my own, that the Jerry Garcia “boxes” in A-maj,, are just 3 doors down from where the A-min boxes live. It was a great way to tie useful examples together in order to actually apply the “3 doors down” rule. It was an epiphany for ME anyway!
Very cool lesson… Dave T-trust me you will learn how to play and have a blast doing it…. I have a great appreciation for Jerry Garcia as a guitarist. He was brilliant, melodic and quick-thanks for sharing this Brian.
John H.
Holland Netherlands here: Brian you did it again!
Fantastic lesson!
Hi Brian,
This is a fine lesson for me its faster than I am initially but i’m catching it every now and again, I will get there! I love Jerry Garcia and the Dead. Such an inspiration to get those ancient finger moving. My Sister gave me the double Album Skull and roses way back when it surfaced in ’71. I loved so much of it ever since. Then came along the Feat and Lowell George……A few Lowell Licks would be a super cool followup think of that fan base, you will be tempting to tune in.
What a great lesson Brian, loved the extra effort you put into this extra Wednesday lesson with all the print outs too. Just great.
Ray P
Hi, Brian,
Have you considered using the midweek lesson to do a tutorial instead of a lesson.? You could do public domain songs from any roots based genre. Maybe with vocals? Although I only subscribe to active melody, I find I spend slightly more time on youTube learning to play songs than on your site. When you play at home for yourself or whoever is around it is far more compelling to sing and play, than to do instrumental pieces. BTW, thanks for the excellent RP407 on cowboy chord embellishments. Every player should know these riffs instinctively.
Excellent mini lesson, Brian. It all makes so much sense when I listen to you and see you playing.
Just need to implement 🙂
Greetings from Germany
Yeah, Brian’s lessons are the best of ANY that I have seen. I love that he does multiple styles too. For $69 bucks you not only will get 52 new lessons, but access to ALL of his HUGE catalog of lessons, which is incredible, and an unheard of value. Almost all other guitar teachers limit you to only a few downloads per month, trying to squeeze more money out of you. Best teacher AND best value.
I know we all could spend hours listing out our favorite guitarists and why we love them — always fun to talk about! — but there really is something special about Jerry. Thank heavens for the countless hours of high-quality live recordings of his improv work spanning several decades. They stand the test of time so well. It would take a lifetime to listen to them all fully. What a treasure!
Jerry was the one who inspired me to drop my major in international marketing and change it to music in 1979.
It was at the 1979 new years show that did it.
I could not even match a pitch with my voice and new nothing of music or how to play when I jumped into
a jazz guitar study at san jose state. 40 years later Brian is helping me to polish my playing in ways I new needed to happen
but could never really get there. The best is yet to come at 65, how cool is that?
Meant to add in my Comment that I love reading the other Comments praising Brian, and all with good reason. Brian is such a rare gem because with every lesson of his I watch, I am always inspired to grab my guitar and start putting into practice exactly what Brian is teaching. It’s the hands-on, how-to, get the student right behind the steering wheel approach Brian brings that makes his work stand out. I love it, too, when Brian weaves in the music theory aspects as he gives the lesson. For me at least, that aspect of what he’s teaching always reinforces it for me. It’s a brilliant balance of the HOW and the WHY. Love it!!
Brian you’re the best! How do you manage to give of yourself week after week? JUST DON’T STOP!!!
Great lesson…every lick and riff picked up can be used in other lessons to expand your musical vocabulary….A+ and thanks for all the great lessons.
Thanks, great ideas and a pleasant midweek surprise.
Made my day!
Thanks Brian, a joy to play this one!
Gotta love these mid week lessons. Much appreciation for these gems, always going the extra mile. Did think this was Vlog 32 unless my list is wrong.
Every Lesson makes us better! all these posts make me happy, because we all know how much Brian puts into this. Thanks! again, and again….
Hi Brian, Can u do a follow up on this in the form of a Jerry-like solo . over this catchy tune ..?
The only reason I have internet is for Brian’s lessons. Otherwise, I could get by with my cell phone. That costs me 80 a month and I pay 10 dollars a month for AM. I still find it very well worth it. I live strictly on SS benefit. I would add it is very important to know the Caged system and the five scale patterns. He has lessons for all. I spent hours upon hours trying to learn note for note. Get to know them instinctively, very important, and so much easier. Just don’t expect to get the right-sized AM T-Shirt when you complete your first set of Challenges.
Working on it now. Wow there’s a lot here. Like the E7 arpeggio and how to use that for your solo’s!
Great lesson easy to understand
Hi Brian,
I managed to get (I think ) exactly the same sound you have playing this lesson. I fluked it using a HT-Helicon Play Electric device which I had set for the vocal and Guitar sounds for Jailhouse Rock by Elvis i.e. JAILHOUSE ROLL 202. I was actually using this setting for “His Latest Flame”. I was also using a Fender Strat. Sometimes you just get lucky when trying to copy a certain sound. I will have to check the amp settings the device copies and try them out on my amp, whch is a Fender Twin Reverb.
Hi Brian,
I checked out the settings on the device and found the following: Amp = Mesa Boogie, amp settings =0, o’Drive=50%, Level=20%, Compressor, Hall Reverb. That’s about it- it’s hard to copy. Can you please tell me how you got your sound?
Outstanding value and worth every penny. In a word….cheap. Brian is a great and lovely guy with a wealth of knowledge and know-how The best out there.
Love this. So much fun. Thank you Brian.
Great lesson but I have a question about the E7 arpeggio.
Brian- I gather that you are just playing the four notes of the E7 scale, but out of order since two of them are on the fourth string. I ask this because when you show how you can apply this to an A barre chord you seem to be using the notes of the chord in the shape that they are played.
You comment that you need to “know/learn” your arpeggios, so some clarification on this might go a long way. I assume that the E7 pattern you show can be dropped two frets for D7, moved up one for F7, etc.
Thank you.
Great lesson Brian. I love how you use similar licks in different lessons but rephrase them to fit the style of the tune. Understanding how one concept can translate to blues, rock, country and jam band styles of music is a big lightbulb moment for me.
Thanks Brian. I always loved the Grateful Dead. This is a super fun lick!
Hi Dave T.
I echo all of the comments here! I joined Active Melody a few years ago when I was looking for a BB King lesson, and I found a brilliant one by Brian. Loved it!
So I joined AM, became a premium member, and have not regretted it. Such great value or money!
Just as living proof of how great this site is: I have been away from the site for a few months for various reasons, but now I am back and going back through the back catalogue of Brian’s lessons… there are so many different styles: I love slow blues, and particularly BB King /Eric Clapton, so I have been searching on those lessons. Now, I am just getting into Dorian mode, and Brian has lots of lessons on that: Eg: JJ Cale, Santana…
Just type a style that you are interested in, in the search box, and lots of lessons appear!
Each lesson has so much in it, and you will always pick up something new: as Brian says, “If you learn nothing else in this lesson,…”… the light-bulb moments?
Brian is a genius, and you will learn so much from the brilliant value-for-money premium membership!
By the way, I meant to type “Light bulb moments!” I did not mean the question mark! Definitely lots of light bulb moments!
Oh, and you get all of the jam tracks to jam over and imrovise over too! They are brilliant!
One of the best ever, Brian. Heaps of great takeaways.
I love this! It’s such fun to play.
I got so much from this! It’s so fun to play and I can’t believe I’ve had YEARS worth of guitar lessons and no one ever showed me this! This means a lot to me. You’re so gentle and genuine in your teaching. I had to subscribe to your lessons xxx