In this guitar lesson you’ll learn how to play a blues, rock rhythm (with a hint of country) in drop d tuning. In addition, I’ve included 3 mini double-string solos in the key of D that has repeatable licks in both major and minor pentatonic scales. You can practice interchanging these licks / solos with the jam track, and ultimately transpose them into other keys to play with other songs.
Drop D Tuning - Rhythm Guitar Lesson
3 Solos in D
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This is great Brian. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your lessons.
You can really compose some great tunes Brian. This one has a groove that grabs you. NIcely done.
I think it’s great when you put these short rhythm numbers together. I get so much form and function development from lessons like these, thanks Brian.
Love this drop D tuning, if you fancy doing some more lessons in it that would be great.
Fun lesson! Drop D is a very cool tuning used extensively by artists like Neil Young (Harvest Moon) who loves the key of D. The D in the bass really rings out on a good acoustic.
You could point out that Solo 3 also works over the key of A on the D (3rd) and B (2nd) string in the same pattern up the neck; sometimes referred to as “the land of A7” (meaning starting on an A7 cord)
I can’t believe I finally used an alternate tuning!! Next thing you know I’ll get the nerve to finger pick.
Obviously that hammer on lick in the third solo is used in a lot more songs that Wind Cries Mary, but one that jumped out at me was the opening lick to Casey Jones by the Grateful Dead.
I am new at your site and I’ve learned more in the one week than I’ve learned in the last six months.
Love it,,,Great job thank you
Please dont worry about labouring any particular point. I am a slow learner and need the extra emphasis for it to stick in my brain. I certainly dont yawn ! Great lesson. Thanks. Countyman.
Another Great one Brian!
I love the variety of your lessons, not just “more of the same”…
You might just make a player out of me yet!
Brian, I noticed that the tabs headings are wrong for Solo 2 and 3.
@mkiriman - thank you for catching that! I have now corrected them.
Hi, Brian. Your lessons are just great. You will know that time is so short for working players - so - could you guide us to songs that inspire your compositions so we can apply your ideas quickly at our gigs.
I mostly play rock and roll, blues and some country style.
Keep up the great work - you are inspiring a lot of good learning and fresh ideas. Thanks
Brian, Great lesson. However the tab for Solo 3 is the rhythm tab. I think Solo 3 is missing.
Fixed on 9/25/2015. Thanks Brian
I found this lesson seven years after you first posted it, and I really enjoyed it. I play a few songs in drop D or double drop D, and it’s nice to have another one to play. The solos are fun too!
It’s great exploring the site and discovering old lessons that I really like…and they’re all helpful.