I’ve had lots of requests lately for more jazz guitar lessons and so the result is this 3 part jazz mini-series in-which I’ll show you how to play the lead parts as well as the rhythm guitar part. I’ll be honest and say that I’ve always been intimidated by true jazz musicians and must state (for the record) that I’m not a true jazz musician by any means, however I’ve learned little pieces over the years that I’d love to share with you and can hopefully help you develop a feel for how to play it, even if at the most basic of levels. In this part (Part 1) I’ll show you how to play the first part of the solo as well as explain where this solo comes from to put it in context.Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 which will be live in the following days!
Jazz Guitar Lesson - First Half of Lead
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Hi Brian, it always encourages me when you really good guitar players make a mistake, lol, it gives it a human approach to me as I make mistakes all the time and it’s a comfort to know that it happens to good players too. Great lesson by the way can’t wait for the other two lessons.
who me? make a mistake? never!
Thanks for this, Brian. Great explanations as always.
once again a very nice lesson! keep jazzin!
This is great as always Brian. Love your teaching style and smooth playing. And one heck of a strat…love those older strat plus models
Hey Brian
What an eye-opener. I didn’t even realize I liked Jazz.
I was sitting at home tonight and saw this lesson for the first time. Great little tune and easy to comprehend.
It was addictive.
Before I knew it I was playing my own similar tune. (not sure how the neighbours feel)
I tend to take your lessons and turn them around to my own liking.
Thanks for the great guidance.
Hey jazzysammy - I’m surprised with a name like “JazzySammy” that you didn’t realize that you like jazz :) That’s awesome to hear that you’re taking these lessons and turning them into your own thing.. that’s what I really want people to be able to do, that’s how you know your’e truly learning. Anyone can just memorize someone else’s stuff, but taking it and making it your own is really playing.
Is that a Strat Plus? If so, what year is it? I have a 1983 one.
Hey Andrew, it is a Strat Plus circa 1990. Haven’t seen another with that color.. it was called Black Pearl Dust.
Hi Brian i truly love this lesson thank you
Hi Brian, I stumbled onto your site a couple weeks ago and heard you playing that jazz rhythm lesson. Never having played guitar before I went out and bought an electric guitar just to learn that piece not knowing how hard it is to play. Guess I’ll have to start with your beginners lesson first but my motivation is to play that piece. Thanks for your site and dedication to teaching us newbies. Peace … Serge
Great Brian..many thanks again
You asked the question about where you might have heard or picked up the little run up through the major scale at about 14.30 starting on the A note 4th string..this is the hauntingly beautiful riff Carlos Santana used at the outset of Samba Pa Ti..except that you finish off by going directly from the G on the 2nd to the Bb on the 3rd (you added in the F# on the 2nd)..All it needs is a little shift of emphasis
Nice One!
Three and half years later but I agree it is from Samba Pa Ti.
@ Serge, wow so this piece inspired you to purchase a guitar! That is awesome… hey I should get some commission off that sale! 🙂
Paul - you may be on to something!
Hey Serge,
THAT is an impulse buyer. You chose the right teacher as he is the best of the crop (I’ve tried them all). Be prepared for sore fingers, acute frustration until the moment you GET something, an aching back and complaints from the missus but it really is worth it in the end. Welcome to the guitar community. You will have great fun, just don’t give up if it feels hard to start with. A few months and even more callouses and you will be fine! Brian makes it look easy but believe me you need to work hard and the satisfaction will come.
What guitar did you buy? Don’t tell me it is a ‘63 Strat!
Good luck,
Dr Golf
Thank you for the kind words of encouragement Dr. Golf. Maybe it was an impulsive thing at the moment but at the age of 71 playing jazz guitar is one of the things on my bucket list. Not knowing what instrument to buy the guy at the store recommended a used Fender Squire Affinty that’s been modified with a Jay Turser neck, and it included a Squire 10 amp practice amplifer, all for $65.00. I figure when I get better I’ll invest in a better guitar. You are right about the sore fingers and frustration but I watch Brian play that jazz lesson 2-3 times a day for motivation, I hope he comes out a full blown premium jazz lesson in the future. As for the missus well she passed away 10 years ago so the only complaints I get are from the dogs. Again thank you, I pray you have a blessed day … Peace … Serge
Hi Serge,
What a lovely reply. You will find that guitar players are generally very nice people!
I recommend you look at Brian’s beginner’s lessons AND learn a couple of the pentatonic scales. Very simple scales to learn but they help enormously. They do help you know where you are on the fretboard. I used to find that trying to play lead guitar was like sitting with a dead plank on my lap with no inspiration whatsoever. Then I read a book called “Play Rock Guitar Today” by someone called Butterfield. Discovering that blues and rock guitarists play five note scales and not seven changed my life and I have been able to improvise ever since.
Brian takes you to another place with his clear and enjoyable lessons and we are lucky to have him. It’s great you want to start something new at 71. I’m 65 and still learning all the time. Keeps you young.
Enjoy your Affinity and drive the dogs mad!
Best of luck,
Hi Andrew, I have been working on Brian’s beginners lesson, today starts my second week, I’ve memorized a few chords positions. Also I have been learning the pentatonic scale just to take a break from the chord lesson. I looked up the ‘63 Strat you mentioned earlier and man $30,000. for a guitar wow dream on McDuff. I’ll look up that book you mentioned. Thanks for the tip … Peace … Serge
Hey Brian,I’ve been playing nothing but this solo all week,great tune by the way,I’m finally playing it effortlessly today.It’s great to get away from the minor pentatonic scale.Keep the jazzier lessons coming,Les.
A. minor are they poison mushrooms? lol
Brain thanks, these lessons are helping me for sure
Hi Brian
This has to be one of my favourite lessons. At first try the first few chords were challenging but I sat with my acoustic in front of the TV for hours and all of a sudden my fingers were finding the correct spot. I’ve got my own versions of your lessons and recorded one over another in GarageBand to come up with a great sound. I use my 335 knock off for the recordings.
Question - I’ve placed some comments for lessons 2 and 3 but cant see my comments or anybody elses in the forum?
Really enjoy the 3 part jazz lessons andthe swing blues style is very good too.Watching and listening to you and having the tabs makes the lessons so easy. Eventually ,I’m going to try the premium lessons, thanks again Brian,
Hi Brian
It is just not my comments but I can’t see comments from anybody else under the Jazz 3 lesson. I don’t know if the glitch is on my end using an Apple
On an Apple here as well - and yes you’re correct. I don’t see any comments for Part 3. It could just be that no one has commented and something weird happened to just yours? Odd behavior either way - can’t say that I’ve seen that one before.
@Suzuki335 - I’m not sure where your comments to the forum went. I try to respond to any questions there and don’t recall seeing them?
Sure glad I found this lesson site. This is significantly helping my playing.
Hi Brian; I posted a comment./question on Part 2 page and couldnt see my comment or any others there either. Part 2 tabs appear to me to be incomplete ending at bar 7. Am I mistaken or shouldnt there be 16 bars? I really want to master this but the tabs would really help with this section. Thanks and Happy new year; Neil
@Neiles335 - I will correct part 2 and get that up this weekend! Thanks for the reminder Neil
I got blisters on me fingers
Great lesson Brian. I got the whole first part! Thanks a lot I’m going to practice this and move on to the second part. You have one of the best guitar channels on Youtube, so glad I found you.
I saw someone else say that the comments for the second video won’t post. I just tried to post a comment and it did not post. I can’t believe that no one has comment on that video yet.
You should really check it out and see why comments are not posting.
Great Lesson
Is it in G or Gm?
brian can you put backing track
Hey Brian, thanks for all your lessons. But I think it would be nice if you write down all lessons not only in tabs but also in the traditional notation for solo parts and in the letter-digital way for rhythm parts, wouldn’t it?
By the way, I also couldn’t place my comment to 2nd part of this lesson 😉
Thank you for the lessons.
Can you please tell the chord progression?
Thanks for being such a great teacher
Love it. More jazz stuff pls
Mr PRS came with 10’s on it. What gauge are you using that you van do bends and vibrato so easily?
Hi Brian, wow! when I found your site and your acoustic blues / Delta Blues videos, it was just what I’ve been looking for - I’m learning so much and playing more like I’ve always wanted to, please keep posting more acoustic blues videos, many thanks for a great guitar site. Your video on not having to change scales when you change chords was a real eye (ear) opener, thanks again - 12barDave.
Hi Brian, I like very much your lessons, and this instrumental is great. There seems to be some notes missing int the 1st tablature:
- 2nd tempo should be: 3rd string /11-7, and then 4th string 9 right?
- 5th tempo: 4th string 9-10-9-7, and then 7-9 right?
Thanks for your excellent work.
Nice Jazz lesson Brian you have a clear and concise teaching style. Who said you cant teach an old dog new tricks, keep them coming. Thanks….Neil.
one more thing. on youtube you posted how to play jingle bell rock. cant find it on your site though. Anyway i learned it and played it for christmas. IT WAS THE BIG HIT AT THE PARTY. i also had a friend play chords for it. Thanks for that. it turned me onto your site ever since! would you consider making more christmas song videos?
hey brian, i wanted you to know that thanks to you i have increased my knowledge on the guitar! i was stuck in power chords and and first position. I know music theory to an extent and consider myself as an intermediat. But had know place to go! now i found the music i love, blues and jazz. Oh please make more jazz lessons! Your lesson was good and easy to play. ilearned in in three hours and can now play it all through! THANKS
you helped get me over the hump! Great lessons. Thanks Brian. Vern Edgerton
Good stuff. Did I miss it or did you post comments about your tone setup? I’d like to know more about that,too, as it is very nice for this solo.
Has a bit of Cornell Dupree, flavor to it. Just my,
Hey Brian, Could you do more lessons like this where you have a rhythm part and a lead part? it makes it really fun for those who like to play with loop stations. it’s awesome when you do both but I would like more where you have lead and rhythm separate. Just a suggestion. 🙂 keep up the great work!
Great lesson. Thank you. Just discovered this and it really is fun.
This lesson is a lot of fun do continue this kind of lessons please!
What a Deal I got by becoming a Premium Member. I thought I was learning a little Blues and I stumbled into my favorite, light Jazz. I’m 79 years old and always played Music. I have a lot of spare time and thanks to you I’m having the time of my life. Many thanks, Brian ! God Bless You. Paul
Hi Brian i have just played the first lesson of Jazz Lead it was incredible just what i was looking for.
When i joined up in July i had lost interest in music , i have been playing guitar since i was 10 years old , since i joined Active Melody i have started playing my Fender Strat again
thanks to you .
Ray Mac
Hi Brian,
I would like to have the audio backing track in digital sequencer format.
With this you can loop selected sections over and over for practice….thanks
Hi Brian, love your lessons, I have learned alot. Probably too late to ask a question and get an answer but, could you describe your amp settings? I have a strat with a Mustang 3 amp and am always searching for that jazzy sound. Thanks
Hi Brian, I’m new in here and if I can do it, want to learn jazz leads… Is there any lessons in the page as this song’s lead in link (starting time: 2:27)
if you help me, I can learn faster… thank you very much! 🙂
Where can I get the tab for this!! I LOVE it!
I can even play this one