In this week’s guitar lesson, you’ll learn the techniques behind playing slide guitar and will learn a standalone blues composition to practice everything that you learn.
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walkthrough
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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Nice resonator Brian. I love slide guitar and been waiting for a slide lesson. Thanks Brian
Love your material Brian but I wonder how many strings were snapped off tuning from a to a f sharp—should be b — small oversight
Great lesson once again. I have been following your triad lessons and would be interested in a standard tuning slide lesson at some stage. Many thanks.
Lesson 163 in the style of George Harrison is a slide lesson in standard tuning.
That is one of my favorite older National Reso – Electric guitars. What year is yours Brian?
Ha ! Finally – that’s my Saturday afternoon sorted, thanks again Brian
Great lesson. I don’t think you mentioned it but sliding to the correct note requires the slide to be over the next fret. Right on top of it and not between the frets like standard playing. Just a thought.
slide standard tuning lesson you asked for? yes please sir…just getting into slide. playing around with a few tunings especially to go with my new cigar box 3 stringed geeter (deliberate spelling LOL) in open g so have y strat in open g to go with it. will that matter?? if you have another tuning does it matter?? dum question i know that i apolgise for in advance – but standard tuning lesson…please xxx
Lesson 163 in the style of George Harrison is a slide lesson in standard tuning.
Many thanks, great lesson.
I would definitively do a lesson for standard tuning.
I looked into slide lessons intensively the past few months, and find there is a dearth of material about slide with standard tuning.
It is fun to use a different an open chord tuning, but if you are just sitting around with friends and strum, you just don’t want to stop everything for a few minutes just to change the tuning.
Hi Brian!
Great lesson! Just getting into slide now. dkt, saw your question about open G tuning… have a guitar deliberately tuned in open G for the purpose of slide practice! Some great songs in open G. I will post my slide version of Led Zep’s Travelling Riverside Blues soon, using this tuning.
Yes please Brian: a slide lesson in standard tuning woukd be great! Thank you!
Just reached the start of the song at 15 minutes in. Loving it already! Can’t wait to pick up my guitar and try this!
Thanks again for a wonderful lesson, Brian!
Brian has already done a slide lesson in standard tuning: 163 in the style of George Harrison.
hello Brian and every one
great lesson (as always)
you say the A string becomes an F#, wouldn’t it be more a B note (I’m lost…)
thanks for your answer
You’re right, Jerome, should be B. That F# came out of left field somehow.
thanks a lot Charjo
I’m a beginner and never tried another tuning than standard, and I don’t have a great level of understanding english (cause I’m french).
It’s cool that I’m not completely stupid.
Thank you very very much.
Thanks, I knew that had to be wrong.
Hey Brian, I love slide playing, it’s 100 % Blues. Do a slide lesson in standard tuning.
Yes, slide! I’ve been waiting for a lesson like this one, than you. I’ve alread learned a couple of useful tricks.
Your ability as a teacher to, with pinpoint precision, explain the reasons behind the technique always impresses me. I have never seen the technique explained so well. Your generous sharing of the problems you encountered will save us countless hours of frustration. Knowing what you have previously taught us to navigate the fretboard, and applying it here, is another bonus. Putting it all in a musical context with Soundslice is the cherry on the cake. That’s what makes Active Melody the best.
Like many replies above… been waiting a long time for another slide lesson and it was well worth the wait!! Great job all around. Keep em coming
I would be very interested in more slide lessons in any tuning.
Great Lesson…. very informative for those who have very little exposure to slide.. thanks! And YES, would be very interested in a slide lesson using standard tuning… very much interested in pursuing this!!
the slide goes on top of the freat.. right?
I do play slide in standard tuning. I use my pinky for slide and have three other fingers. But you opened up my ears to open E tuning! What a great sound sliding into those chords. Thanks Brian!
Great lesson! Thank you. I would be interested in a standard tuning slide lesson in the future too.
Brilliant and beautiful… move over Ed King. Very reminiscent of an old Skynyrd tune called “Mr. Banker.” Lovely slide piece Brian.
I haven’t watched the teaching portion yet, however, having a full listen to the piece and I have to say I feel as though my should was massaged. Wow!
I meant to say ‘Soul.”
Excellent lesson, thank you Brian! Please, would really appreciate a slide lesson in standard tuning!
‚A lot of last year I worked on this.‘ (Vibrato, 1.57 For Premium Members)
Thank you for your honesty. That is exactly what makes you credible and authentic.
A tech at National Resophonic told me any time I use open E or open A I should detune immediately after my session because the pressure from those tunings over time will crush your cone
In part II it is impossible to keep your thumb on the neck on those upper notes when you are playing a 12 fret guitar that is not a cut away.
Please continue with your slide lessons. I still have so much to learn. Great job with this one!
Hi Brian,
Yes, I would love a lesson on slide in standard tuning – something about open tunings just won’t let me in. Maybe it’s the fact that everything I’ve learned about the fretboard goes out the window when I change tunings. Regardless, I’ve always wanted to learn slide in standard.
Hi Brian
Slide player here mostly play in open e and g – great lesson.
Looking forward to more of these please.
please give us a lesson on slide in standard tuning !!
thank you for all your work
Great slide lesson…I’ve wanted to learn slide all my life, and I’m am old fart. I’ve looked at resonators for years cuz I love the sound. Time to dig in. More slide tunes Brian
Yes. Some more pieces in standard tuning, please. Or Open G for that swamp thing.
Oh, and also, how about a backing track for practice? On every single lesson.
Premium Member, advanced intermediate
Can’t Hold Out by Eric is in open E. Good for practice. Also, a live version of Call Me The Breeze – JJ and Eric together.
Another masterpiece for us beginners Brian – Thank you!
Love the guitar and the lesson.
Great intro lesson. Just what I need.
Slide in standard tuning would be a good lesson too
Awesome slide lesson. Standard tuning would be a plus please. Thanks.
Great slde lesson Some standard tuneng would be great so would much appreciate it asI have been tryng and give up on it too and wold really lke to master it Thanks agan for the lesson
I really have my action on my electric guitars set too low for this. No matter how much I try (and I have an acoustic resonator with higher action where I have no issues), when I slide over the frets I hear the frets buzz. Even the lightest touch makes my slide/the string touch the fret.
Brian listen to a song recorded by Johnny Winter (Mean Town Blues) Tuning in G or A. Something like that would be Dyn No Mite!!!!
This was brilliant I learned so much! Please continue these …as well as all the other wonderful content!👍
Brian- I would like to see a lesson in standard tuning / slide guitar !
Hi Brian thanks for this introduction into slide . I’m by no means a good guitarist but I think I’ve just found my nirvana. more lessons please..
ps you’ve maid an old man very happy.
I had a hard time concentrating with that eye candy guitar of yours. Ha! Thanks Brian, been waiting for a lesson like this! My new Favorite. Much appreciated.
Thanks Brian, a lesson in standard tuning would be great!
Hi Brian,
A standard tuning slide tune would be great 👍
This is great. I’ve always played my slide in open G, but could never figure out Eric’s solos on Can’t Hold Out. Until now!
Great sound, great lesson! I’d certainly be up for more slide lessons in whatever tuning you want to use!
Hey Brian, count me among your students that are hungry for more slide lessons, and yes to standard tuning slide lesson please. Maybe do a mini course with a wide angle as well as a deep dive or two into slide guitar.
By the way, have you ever crossed paths with Jack Rush down in Nashville?
Thanks for hangin in there with us all these years Brian!!
Need some shielding on the pickup of that guitar. The buzz is not attractive.
Slide on std tuning would be really great.
Had fun with this one.
Hi , Brian I would really like to have you do a Standard Tuning Slide Lesson Thanks
Great insight into slide playing
Bought a slide, first one I have ever used, made from real bone with a skull image on it, Spooky and a bit Dead like, Grateful Dead that is.
This lesson definitely motivated me to want to learn how to get that beautiful majestic sound that comes from using a slide.
Also this is the first time ever tuning and playing in open E.
Way cool.
All of it!
Hi Brian,
Nice lesson as always. I’d appreciate a lesson in standard tuning thanks.
This is great, Brian. I cast my vote with those who would like a delta-like slide lesson in standard tuning. I have the George Harrison lesson, which is good electric slide in standard, but I think a lesson like this one in standard tuning would be great. You can almost smell the delta in this one!
Why is the A string tuned to F#? in Brian’s video?
Did he tune to a E7 open tuning?
Thanks for the help.
I tuned the A up to B. I checked other sources and the Open E tuning is EBEG#BE according to them. It sounds right with Brian’s recording.
Do you have a slide guitar lesson in open D? (I find that open E can be hard on the strings, ie, they are wound tighter). Thanks, Mark.
I have a few guitars down tuned to open d, you’re right, not so much tension. To play along with this lesson I just put a capo on the 2nd fret
Love this. More slide please! Any tuning it doesn’t matter 🤣
I’ve been playing guitar for 35 years, and after smashing a couple of hours on this yesterday I ache in my left shoulder! Not had that in a while, so important to note for me that the players position drops a little in that left shoulder to get the slide across all strings.
Take away for everyone, take regular breaks !!
yup, I had the same thing haha
I have always loved the sound of slide guitar, especially in blues. Thanks for this lesson. I appreciate the Open E tuning and the way you designed the tune to help us isolate the strings. Great stuff, Brian
I revisited this lesson today and made some definite progress in muting and isolating the strings. Thanks for this lesson. I am an older player and my hands aren’t as limber as they used to be. I find slide is a nice relief from trying to make chords with the left hand. Any slide lessons you can throw in, please do . I would love to learn the open tunings and standard tuning. Thanks Brian
I also am playing much more slide due to arthritis. Any lesson with slide would be very appreciated!!!