This lesson features a more interesting approach to playing rhythm for a standard 12 bar blues. I’ll show you how to incorporate some jazzier chords. The second video (for Premium members) will show you how to play a simple, yet powerful sounding solo / lead part that is featured in the second half. This lesson can be played on either acoustic or electric guitar and is intended for beginner or intermediate players.
Part 1 - Blues Rhythm Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - Blues Lead Guitar Lesson
Only available to premium members.
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awt to look at part 2. think ya made an error. happens to the best of us…
Part 2 looks like a lot of out takes….looking forward to the solo….
Sorry - I’m fixing the second part - good catch!
ok, it’s fixed now 🙂
Another great lesson Brian, Thank You
This is why I signed up.
I love this stuff!!
Will you do anymore jazz lessons?
Just wanted to tell you that I have enjoyed your other lessons especialy the jazz and country mini series! THANKS A LOT!!!
Wow!!! Was worth the wait. Too much fun. If you can’t access this stuff you are really missing out big time.
Thanks again Brian!!!!!
Thanks, Brian.
Brain, Thanks for the lesson. I found my trouble in keeping my palm in a uniform position when changing riffs. It was some how in my head to make major moves with my wrist and hence spastic chord changes ensued. The simple statement you made about keeping your middle finger in place got me to examine my unorthodox technique and make adjustments for the better. It was just as important for me to watch the position of your thumb as well as your fingers, Thanks again.
So much fun!! Trying to transcribe this tune to key of E. Slow blues in E Brian! It’s all starting to make sense. Thank you!
This is great! Just what I needed- a blues solo that beginning and intermediate level players can follow and quickly learn yet sounds really nice and professional. Please make more of these! Awesome!!:)
Hey Brain, my part two of epo34 keeps freezing up. Is it you or me? All other lessons work well. Thanks Randy
sorry to trouble for what could be a simple issue but am newly upgraded premium member and cannot get the embedded player to play. I can mouse over the controls and adjust the volume level, set repeat, etc but when I click play button nothing happens. Thanks for your help
SLStormin - not a trouble at all. I’ll guess that you’re in the Firefox browser? I’ve got an issue with that embedded player not working in that browser and i’m still trying to figure that one out. I know it works fine in Google Chrome, so you may need to download that browser to use for this site for the time being - sorry about that!
What’s   mean? Makes no sense to me!
Thanks for the reply Brian - I actually did download Chrome and try it but did not restart my computer - doh! Now everything is fine after restart. Thanks so much for your site and your fantastic approach to teaching!
Hi brian, i know you have an emial but cant find it. I would like to emial you with some questions i have about guitar. Could you let me know soon! Thanks
alverez electric guitars
My direct email is brian (at) activemelody (dot) com
i’m a metal head as a rule but i must admit the blues is calling me ! great lesson love those chords
Nice Brian. As a beginner I am going to add these to my regular lesson routine .
I am going to go to work on this at the end of my daily lessons . What fun that will be to learn. Very grateful Brian. Thanks
Hello Brian, my name is Jim, I am a new one on board
I was just wondering,why are the backing tracks longer then the tabs on these lessons, I like more of the cool blues licks, a lot of fun to play along with, but what do we do when were finished playing the solo and the backing track is still playing, I am sure you know Griff, well I am also taking lesson’s from him, but he has short backing tracks that stop at the end of the tab, and a longer one if you want to add something to it.
Jim, all backing tracks and tabs are on the lessons - I had an issue earlier in the day with my server and that may have been why you weren’t seeing them.
Hello again Brian, I’m sorry, I don’t think you understand what I am asking, so far I have learned two blues licks, which I really like, but when I start playing the blues solo’s with the backing track I notice that the backing track doesn’t finish when I finish playing the solo’s. Just wondering why the backing track playing time is longer then the solo’s.
You know what’s cool, Brian? For the first time I threw in some of my own variations on your licks, no offense intended of course
@coloradoveto - none taken 🙂
Rally cool easy to follow lessons. Brian is trying to teach.
Some guys out ther act as though they are just trying to show off.
Thanks Brian,good lesson,and thanks for replying to my emails,you’re a gent.
Dear Bryan, after a few weeks of training I can play the lick but the groove isn’t there. Would it be possible to get a soundtrack with a beat so I can get the counting right. Kind regards -Gerhard from Austria
For me the explanations in Part 1 for what you were playing at 9:34 and again at 11:15 for the 4th and 5th chords helped me immensely to understand the BIG PICTURE. THank you
Great lesson. Very tasteful! Some of us might benefit from the thought process associated with how and why you arrived at the phrases. E.g. “I played this part because the song went to the IV chord” just a thought. Btw, great value. Thanks again.
Epic Brian! great lesson. on the Rhythm part. when I play the E hammer on it sounds terrible? any ideas why?
great lesson!
great to discover this on the Throwback Thursday email
Very classic slow 12 bar 1-4-5blues progression in the key of A .. what I actually like is figuring out the key of the chord progression/key signature even off the blank tab it helps me study more what it is I’m learning…. AM7 (1) DM7 (4) EM7(5) outlining what chords the (1,4,5 off their major scales )but also mixing major and minor turnaround dim7.. whatever Key I’m playing helps me understand and memorize the language.. everything else surely takes a passion and many years mastering the blues.. All from the heart I been really getting a bunch of stuff down lately thanks to these Little easy to follow lessons,, like using my finger style more than pick too especially for slow playing
Hi Brian,
Can’t find tab for part 2.
hi brian love the lesson i was just wondering how you are getting the sound from your just dealing with amps and stuff
Hi Brian. Love your Jazz blues stuff. May you please upload the tabs for the solo (part 2)?
I love this lesson! But, and maybe it’s because this is an early lesson? I don’t all the video features with tab, etc., for part 2 that is in later lessons.