This is Part 3 (of 3) of a blues phrasing mini-series for guitar. If you’ve ever struggled with not knowing what to do with all of the scales and information that you’ve learned for guitar, this mini-series will be perfect for you. It’s designed to give you some essential tools to get you improvising right away. This lesson builds on the information that you’ve learned in the first 2 parts of this mini-series (EP311 and EP312) by adding “playing the chord changes”, which is when you change scales to match the chord that you’re playing over, giving you a more sophisticated sounding lead.
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walk-Through
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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Paul L says
Lots of fun with these three lessons. I have learned so much about solo-ing.
dmundy says
This series has been so helpful, Brian. Really appreciate these kinds of lessons that build on the previous ones, and that can be used with the same backing tracks.
francesco l says
bravo e grazie . Thanks . 9.4.20 20
JohnStrat says
Well done Brian another great addition to your wonderful lessons JohnStrat
JohnStrat says
That opening chord line is it Howling Wolf Killing Floor?
Michael Allen says
Great stuff – more please! thanks Brian
Richard G says
Hi Brian,
Many thanks for this 3rd in the series of improvisation. I have mentioned a few times over the years about this type of lesson and these three issues are exactly the sort of tutorials I had in mind.
These lessons should be very popular among those setting out on improvisation and in my opinion, streets ahead of anything else online.
Aussie Rick says
This has been a great little series of lessons filled with a ton of ideas to take-away, and will be a big help in the ongoing guitar playing journey. Great concept and terrific teaching. Thanks a lot Brian.
San Luis Rey says
I always look forward to NL Fridays. Thanks for continuing to put these quality lessons out every week. They make learning and playing the guitar an enjoyable experience. These last 3 have been a huge help for me. Thanks Brian!
Jim M says
My internal musical library just got bigger. Wonderful series Brian.
RICKY S says
great lessons Brian thanks I’m so glad I found active melody
Robert Burlin says
Wow! Worked hard the last two weeks and this weeks lesson will get just as much if not more attention. I am assuming this series will be a hit so more like it will follow. Maybe some good old rock and roll.
Mirabel S says
Hi Brian,
Absolutely Brilliant, a mini class to a master class, thank you.
Myra, East Midlands, UK.
brian-belsey says
An excellent mini-series. Great job!
Allan says
great series Brian more to follow please great with same backing track can mix it all up and still sounds great cheers mate.
Raymond P says
Thanks for this 3-part series Brian. Great building blocks
Ray P
Mike R says
Thanks Brian for this very thoughtful series. It has helped me to see the caged system within the blues progression we are playing. Starting to think ahead a little more and having both major and minor pentatonic scales to work with really expand the possibilities. I just tried applying the cage system to a Dylan song “Knockin on Heavens Door” and it sounded great and made me very happy to be able to understand what I was actually playing. You know a lot of guitar players don’t like to share their secrets but I’m sure glad all of us were fortunate enough to find you.
Jon B says
Brilliant as usual!
drlknstein says
very nice lesson and extremely useful
..more like this please!
MYRX says
Enjoyed these series very much. Keep more like this coming!
sunburst says
this is so caddyshack cool Brian ty!
sunburst says
First thought omg long hard lesson.. but after only few hours I see the patterns and this was so ultimate a part 3 lesson I thought part 1 and part 2 made this obviously a lot easier.. I am so happy to be an a active melody student and fellow member/participant
Ian C says
Awesome Brian, my favourite so far. I’m using that bit at all the time now! Cheerse.
greg f says
Brian – these 3 lessons are awesome! Thanks for your efforts! I play them together – alternating between the 3! /greg
Les Brown says
Hitting it out of the park again. You bring the neck together for me in video after video, each one expanding my understanding a little bit more and in a new way that reaches out to jazz, blues, country, and everything. For me it’s all about connecting the patterns and then interpreting them in different ways. I can’t tell you how much this means to me in my enjoyment of the guitar!!! All I’ve got is thank you and membership. So thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
C. H. M says
I am still having trouble getting the mp3 downloads for ep 312 and 313. When I try to get the minus guitar normal and slow on each, I get 311. Please help if possible, Thanks chm
David C says
Another great lesson series Brian. Question, do you have a turn around for this also?
Steve M says
Fantastic trio of lessons Brian–Very helpful
Tom D says
Hi Brian,
The last three lessons have been great. I feel I have developed a better feel for blues improvisation and a much better understanding of the techniques used. Well done Brian!
drlknstein says
dude..this trilogy is awesome but part 3 is pure gold….its just i can use this stuff over and over-
-btw i got into Band recently..first one I ve been in
they play latin music occaisionall blues and country- I dont know any of the songs- I was able to improvise using the stuff I learned in your lessons and they like it
..I ve been with them for about 6 months . I still dont know the songs and do something different every time..they like it..I m having a blast-
thanks–lessons like this are just gold for me
LARRY G says
Hi Brian, are you in a band? Did you do anything else as a career other than this great teaching site? Are you familiar with the Country singer named Faith McKenna (sp). I think she moved to Nashville. Her dad is a Parole Agent in Northern California. We worked together. Just wondering.
Brian says
Just jam on the weekends with friends.. that’s about it 🙂 I’m not familiar with Faith McKenna.
alan w says
great teaching brian….do you recommend more improvising lessons you have done after this. to move on to. thanks alan
Stephen R says
This EP311-313 series alone was worth the entire year’s membership dues. Licks I’ve wanted to learn for years and “Eureka” moments galore in this set of lessons.
Endless thanks to you Brian!
Harold V says
This is my first comment so I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your lessons. Your instruction is clear, concise and easy to follow. After devoting about an hour each day for about two weeks, on lessons EP 111-113 I am celebrating because I can finally play along with you on each lesson and make no mistakes. Most importantly, my vision of the fret board is so much clearer. I did just watch the lesson you just sent out on Triads. Completing these past three lessons, helped me understand immediately how triads fit together. Thank you so much for helping us all improve our playing skills.
Lawrence H says
Brian this is wonderful lesson thanks a lot .
Lawrence H says
Brian this is a wonderful lesson thanks a lot.
Davy H says
Loads of takeaways in this mini series….love it! Please do more of these
Jeff L says
Hello Brian your a great teacher!!!!!! After EP313 what would you suggest ?
David G says
What a brilliant group of lessons, Brian! So many things clicked into place as I played through them this morning (yes, binge mode full on). Seeing how the major and minor pentatonic patterns work together and going back and forth between made so many lights come on for me. Thanks so much for this comprehensive intro!
Charles S says
ready for the rhythm lesson for this,,,,,,,,
Charles S says
or even a “Mini” lesson. thanks,
Charles S says
just wanted to say I sat down and figured out this rhythm for myself, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it a year ago….shout out to Brian,,,, thanks!,
DABEE says
took me a long time to get this. Is there a way to get the backing track to stay in one key longer and have each of the keys? I wanna jam all three of the lessons on one track in one key then change keys and do it all over.
Mark H says
Thanks for this epic three part series. I’ve worked them through at least four times, discovering new things each time. Wow.
Martin S says
thanks Brian, when you put the lesson in more than one key, it really helps me to learn the pattern better.
JoeD1 says
I’ve done the first 2 lessons and am now learning this one. Just wanted you to know they are still so helpful I am very thankful you keep them available and keep adding new lessons too!