In this week’s guitar lesson, you’ll learn how to improve your blues compositions by adding a few unique chords. Enhance the standard 1-4-5 blues chord structure.
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walkthrough
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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Thanks Brian,
Sounds great Merry Christmas all
Thanks, Brian and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thanks Brian. Been playing a long time but learning alot from you. Slainte from Scotland.
Thank you. Sounds great. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Merry Christmas Brian, I like this alright, but please do some other stuff besides blues . Some simple country, and pop etc. please
Hi Brian Love the Blues, Thank You for all the good lessons you have put out this year.
Happy Christmas to all at Active Melody.
Thanks for all you do and Merry Christmas!
Weird Brian…. On last weeks lesson I was about to leave a comment asking if next week (this lesson) you would do a Stand alone blues composition on your ODELL (one of my favorite guitars you have)! The five other lessons you use your ODELL on are five of my favorites. So thanks Brain and have a great holiday
Thank you for sharing your musical knowledge with us.
Nice! Merry Christmas Brian
What a FUN piece to play…., and LUV that guitar. Happy Holidays Brian and thank-you for all your wonderful work!!
G/day Brian,
So very grateful for everything you do for us each and every week.
Merry Christmas to you, your family, and to all AM supporters!
Michael J., Kilmore Victoria Australia.
Why does the video tab always play slow on 100%? And if I speed it up to normal speed it sounds warbly.
I just included a slower version in the on screen tab viewer
Great job, thank you and Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
Good one, this will be fun to play. Thanks Brian for another great year of weekly lessons, mid week vlogs and a new addition this year with the #shorts, don’t know how you do it week in, week out. Merry Christmas to you and your family and to the AM community for making this all possible.
Hi Brian,
There is no print option in Sound Slice. Can you fix that please.
Ray P
Thanks Brian
Love it! VERY close to the progression that I use for “In the Evening”, and a couple of other blues. I still picked up a couple of moves
(as usual) I can’t wait to try it on my recently acquired Ibanez Artcore. I really enjoy your approach to teaching. The skills transfer to all kinds of different music.
Merry Christmas.
Nice little blues with a sweet turnaround! Thanks and Merry Christmas Brian!
Dear Brian
Thank you very much for all the lesson. This is a very beautiful one. Wish you merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Best regards
Thank you Brain.
Merry Christmas to you and your family
Merry Christmas to you and your family Brian. Thanks for all the great lessons and all that you do. I/We definitely appreciate it!
This sounds really good. I look forward to working on it. Merry Christmas to Brian and family and AM members.
Thanks Brian, this sounds great. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Ray P
Merry Christmas Brian! I really got a lot out of this lesson, It really helped when you told me the chords you can use in the key of the song( like the maj 2ed and 6th back to the 5 then the one)I struggle with using other chords other then just the 1,4,5. Thanks again and have a great day.
Thank you Brian. Merry Christmas.
Doc Tim
Hi, Brian,
Merry Christmas!
Another great lesson with just enough theory to make it really helpful! I’ve heard you speak to the “Fifth of the fifth” concept before, but this lesson helps to clarify it even more.
Excellent! Keep up the good work!
Happy Holidays
Great lesson again. The fifths thing is often also called the circle of fifths – it can be carried on round ad infinitum
No green dots but the diagrams are beneficial to me.
Jingle Bell Rock to you and yours.
Thanks Brian,
I am very grateful for everything you give us musically.
I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Thank you for including the chord diagrams in the lesson! I find these easier for me to sight read rather than following tab.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thanks for all the Great Lessons throughout the year Brian. I think these lessons were the only highlight in an otherwise dreadful year. Happy Christmas to You and your Family. Take Care, let’s hope that 2022 will be a much better year for everyone in the world.
I exho Jeff’s comments! Fantastic lessons week after week! Thanks Brian: I have learned so much from you this year.
This lesson has an Eric Clapton “Key to the Highway” feel to it. Looking forward to learning it.
Happy Christmas to all AM members!
Sweet! Sounds great Brian, and fairly easy to play, Great explanation of the theory part too.
What a great Christmas gift from you Brian.
Don’t worry about repeating parts of other lessons! Help to tie it all together. I play with a singer and drummer and these little embellishments really help me out using it in songs. Thx!
Thank you brian- I’ve learned more from this great platform in the last 6 months than I have in 20 years!
Any you lick you repeat Brian is find my me! And any Style you choose to teach is fine by me. Everything is of so much value! I really appreciate your service. I can’t get enough, no matter what you are teaching! Thanks!
Thanks for another great blues lesson. Happy holidays to you and your, Brian.
And please add my name to the list of potential buyers of that ODELL (seriously!): Wayne Sotile
Thanks for another great lesson. I have learned so much since joining earlier this year!
Hey Brian, I looked for the Odell Vega, and never saw one like yours but I did find something pretty close to the sound. The DeArmond X 155, made by Fender under the Guild name. The body was made Korea shipped to the US and Fender put in DeArmond pickups specially designed to sound like the old gold foil pickups. I picked one up from Guitar Center for $500 last year.It is my go to guitar for everything Jazzy Blues.
Did you intend to say that to find the 5th, you need to find the root of a chord on the 5th string then go to the 4th string and then go up two frets to the 5th?
Have a great new year.
My membership to your program was the best present that I received for Christmas!
NIce composition once again, Thanks for teaching the secondary dominates and how they work and the trick with using the guitar for a quick visual aid on the 5th and 6th strings, what an insight. Well its after Christmas but thanks for enriching all of our lives. Happy Holidays Brian to you and you’re family.
Thank you for another great lesson!
4# dim is easier to remember as the 1 dim. It’s the same chord, so just remember when going back to the 1 from the 4, play the 1 dim.
Hi Brian,
Great video. I also have a Vega from the 1950’s. It was my father’s guitar. Acoustic. He loved listening to blues/jazz. I have a lot of his old Joe Pass tapes. The guitar is in the original old, beaten-up hard case and I think it still has the original strings because it feelings like playing on barbwire. I want to get it cleaned up, but I’m a little afraid to mess with it much.
Brian, Not the first time I have submitted a comment. Never critical – or not grateful for the opportunity to learn and both enjoy and , as you so often say ” a takeaway to add to your playing ”
This gem is both a really sweet sounding tune and a whole fund of licks and tecnique ideas. Yet again Brian, Thank you so much for a real nice Xmas present of a lesson.
Regards from the UK and best wishes for 2022. STAY SAFE ! ! Tony
Relatively new member, and am enjoying your teaching method, not to mention that I am actually learning something! Great job, thanks Brian…Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year.
Wayne D.
Thank you Brian for your time to this lesson Merry Christmas and Happy new year.
Made me smile, Brian … whatever you’re doing to come up with these little gems, keep on doing it!
Jewels in abundance it seems this Holiday Season. Top shelf stuff as usual. I am Happy we get a new lesson on new years eve. Maybe you can give us something really bright and sparkly with lots of booms and bangs.
I am finally starting to see some of the things you have been teaching me in real time. I noticed it playing your shorts without any disc ription of what you are doing. It is coming and I am getting better at lightening speeds now.
Say Alive and Happy
May you have a spectacular year Brian!
sure hope you are working on a book
It would be the Bible of the guitar world!
love the “side bars”
I think the chord progression C#, F#, B, E (video 1, 13:30)is also known as a “Circle of 5ths” progression. You start with any chord on the circle, go back any number of steps and then walk back to the starting chord one step at a time. It’s less confusing for me to think of it that way than as fives of fives of fives. Visualizing the Circle of 5ths makes it easy to transpose to any key. Great Ragtime sound!
Thanks Brian,
Its lessons like this one that got me hooked!
Hi Brian,
Hullo from New Zealand! Loved this lesson and the interesting progressions and chords. Have a great festive season
Hi Brian,
I have just watched the end of the second half of this excellent lesson, having learned and practiced the first half. I love your comment at the very end that you feel that this guitar has mystical qualities, guiding you to play in a certain way, as the previous owner may have played that way…
I agree with you! As i get older I too think there is something in that: “There are more things in heaven and earth than our dreamt of in our philosophy”!
Thank Brian. Awesome lesson as usual. I totally agree with you when you say it is ok to revisit and use past licks from previous lessons. Of course it is, that is how we all learn. HNY.
My new favorite lesson.
Hello and Happy New Year to you all. I joined last week and thoroughly enjoyed this lesson/composition. cant put the guitar down. Would love to see some more of these with some complex chords thrown in. Had to go back to my theory to figure out the A# Diminished 7 – or is it also the F#7 flat 9 (which is how I had learnt it)! Great lesson. thanks!
Brilliant lesson Brian! This one had a number of lightbulb moments. Thank you!
Thanks, I just want to say love the stand alone. I could go one and on about the course. The mix of genre and the breakdown of theory. I will say seems no way to catch up on the material but man just dive in. Thanks your doing great things!
I think this is your Odell. $1,000 +shipping
My advice is to show the entire bar(red) A#dim (root 6) so students see the rest of the chord just like the root 5 chord you introduce. Then talk about why most only use the chord fragment (E,B,G,D strings) in this style of song. The reason is then students can identify the A# root and thus know where the chord is located. Sorry if this was long winded. I am sure you have a good reason for not doing this. I imagine playing the smaller fragment on the 5th and 6th frets as you do is good enough. I had to learn the full bar to orient myself when I got to the point of using these chords a lot.
Great lesson! As I’ve been studying and practicing I realized I couldn’t tell if this is 8 bar blues or 12 bar or whether that even matters in this style (which I love by the way). You gave us 20 bars in this lesson which doesn’t fit nicely into either 8 or 12 bar format, but there is a turnaround at the 8th bar and repetition in the next 7 bars and instead of another turn around there’s an extended turnaround thing (maybe an ending line?) that I don’t understand and maybe don’t need to. Am I overthinking it or is this important to know?
Hey Robert – I have pretty much the same question as you in terms of bar format and progression. Did you get any further with your analysis?
No Randy I did not. I was hoping Brian would chime in. But I think the basic format is 8 bar blues with an ending line. That’s the best I can figure out.
Great lesson. Easy, useful and didactive. Question: I seem to recall another lesson where you did something similar but I thought that it was the 4rth of the 4rth to do sort of a southern gospel sound. If so, would you find it the same way as you showed for finding the fifth?