In this week’s guitar lesson, you’ll learn a fingerstyle blues composition that you can play by yourself (no jam track) that uses an easy thumb technique in which the thumb (bass) plays directly on the beat.
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Hi, Brian,
Another winner! Love the fingerstyle and the single guitar…excellent!
Keep ’em coming!
really happy I joined Active Melody. Just what I was looking for!
Perfect timing Brian! Last week I decided to improve my fingerstyle playing. This is a nice easy lesson. Plus some ideas on improvising. Thanks
Just bought a new fishman loudbox this should sound great.
i have fishman loudbox it sounds great. wise choice.
Me too…
I love my Fishman loud box mini. Great sound and volume!
Hey Brian,
Another great lesson. In some ways this one seems kinda bread & butter finger style blues from a few years back but as “basic” as it might seem, I do not tire of these lessons. There is always something to learn or some new way to challenge my existing skill set. So thanks muchly. I will add however, that one thing that I love about your typical lessons is the second run through, which departs from the base once established and offers a second way to run through the progression while offering the listener (and the player) some variety. This lesson was chock full of stuff at 25 minutes so a bit tight for a second run through the progression using different positions, but this is such a sweet finger style blues, how about next week’s lesson being the “part 2” of EP 511 for those who wanna go a bit further ? Save yourself the trouble of finding a new theme. Go further with this one ! In any case, thanks for the seemingly endless source of inspiration.
I agree with Gary. Please do a part 2 next week
I agree with Gary and Roberto
i agree with garry …….
I agree, a Part 2 lesson would be great.
Another good one Need all the technique I can get😁
I’ve been working on finger style a little everyday. I can hardly wait to play something that sounds good. This lesson is right on time for me. thanks Brian
I particulary like this lesson.Thaks a lot Bryan
I love acoustic finger style blues. This is a great lesson that isn’t overly complicated yet sounds great. Thanks!
This is a great beginner style fingerpicking lesson when i learn this one it will help me to move on to your other finger style lessons this is really helpful
Really great lesson Brian.
This is right up my street! Thanks Brian.
I’m going to have a great Saturday, I can tell already. I love this type of music, and favor the key of E. This reminds me of some of your early-years lessons and highlights how much you’ve matured as an instructor. The content of your lessons has always been good, but you clearly exude confidence in the delivery now.
thank you Brian – I´m learning a lot here AND I´m having fun 🙂
Love it
Wonderful back porch composition Brian.
Brian, thank you for loading this lesson with lots of good ideas, some new, some repeats. I find that if embrace your lessons for the ideas rather than trying to recreate your lessons note-for-note, my playing moves forward quickly. I think I recall you saying use them that way.
Thanks for this lesson, Brian! I think I’m finally going to be able to do this. It’s a rainy day in New England today. Nothing to do but learn how to thump and chew gum at the same time.
This may be your best fingerstyle lesson and I would love to see a companion piece in A sometime in the future. Thanks!!!
Great lesson ! I learned a lot to improve my playing. Thank you 😊
As one of the gents that plays with a thumb pick all the time. 10/10 this is a great one to get going with using that thumb for the bass note. Great tips here Brian!
This is yet another great little run, but I take exception with the word “Easy” in the title. It sure ain’t easy for me – just not good enough yet -can’t get the timing down, not smooth at all, etc.. Will work at it.
Hey Chuck – I know exactly what you mean. I think really Brian means something like ‘straightforward, simple or ‘basic’. I love this type of fingerstyle blues and I agree it’s not easy.
But it’s the basics of a 12 bar blues using your fingers and I’ve found when I finally get this type of tune in my fingers it seems to flow into other stuff quite naturally. Keep playing bro – the only way to progress is to put everything you’ve got into it. I used to believe the myth that even 10 minutes a day will help you improve, but no longer. I know play an hour or two every day and have done so for about 18 months. I’m better, but not where I want to be yet. I’m 65 btw. So much to absorb!
Thanks for your words of encouragement. I have been working on this and it is getting better for sure. I too now hit it about 1 – 2 hours per day covering a multitude of things. Picked up the Acoustic about 3 years ago after a 35 year layoff, as I now have the time.
All of Brian’s runs are extremely beneficial, but it sure takes me a while to get any of them down with any kind of flow. I don’t even attempt to try and keep up with his two runs/lessons a week, but rather focus on the ones that really appeal to me and find that is a lot less frustrating and I just don’t worry about the others.
I’m 72 BTW and agree, so much to learn and absorb.
This one really floats my boat! Thanks.
Love this one, Brian. Gonna work on the fingerstyle covered in this lesson. You made it easier for me.
… I love this one too Brian!!!! 🙂
Great lesson Brian. Thanks!
Simple but wow, not easy, it feels like I am drilling new holes through granite learning this one.
Tab viewer is at 60 percent and I have to go one measure at a time and after many hours I am still only
have way through the measures. It like hurts in a way but the hurt sure feels good knowing if I keep digging I will be able to play this.
And eventually create my own tunes in the same style and fashion.
Brian you can make me sound like a guitarist! (almost)
Many thanks
Impossible for me 🙁 .
Keep at it, Scott. The timing here is wack, and I can feel the left and right hemispheres of my brain working to communicate as I work through it, too. But I think if we keep practicing, that timing will come. And once we get it down we can apply it to everything that follows. If you want it, don’t give up. I’m really talking to myself here.
Love the dead thumb blues lessons. That 2nd lick off the A is cool! Never ending variations in such a simple form.
Nice! Gotta figure out the licks in there.
Hi Brian,
Thank you for this lesson. It’s straight forward and elegant. I also answers a lot of questions I’ve had about this style.
Brian I really enjoy your lessons and have tried my darndest in the past to figure a way to do finger picking with a just a stub for a ring finger! But sadly, trying to use my pinky to take its place is just not working for me.
A lot of the great acoustic blues fingerpickers restricted themselves to just two fingers; the thumb and index. It’s the cleanest way to play, you don’t need the ring finger. I have all of my digits but try to play with just those two because it sounds better.
Thanks for the info. I will give that a try … it just might work for me.
More just like this please Brian!
Yes please a part2 ,
Excellent 12 bars plus explanation which helps tremendously
Great one, Brian. This fingerstyle blues in E matches exactly with the piece, i have played in the last challenge. I will try to combine them!
Have to say Brian that after nearly a (first) year as a premium member this lesson felt like it was just for me. I was, way back in my late school years when first had guitar lessons, taught a folk/finger style approach to guitar and more latterly wanting to really find my feet in the blues (fav genre) it is surely this lesson that will enable me to bring everything I’ve learnt over a life time together. You’re a marvel sir! I reckon this will finally see me bringing everything I’ve learnt together. Big thumbs up from me for this one👍
Should that not be thumbs down to keep that beat going? 🤣
Great lesson, please continue in this style !
I have the same guitar but a 12 fret, love it !!
Thanks for everything ..
yes please to part 2 next week 1!
Totally amazing lesson as always dude ..
Defo like rubbing your belly and tapping your head at the same time ..
I’ve gotta lot to learn 😳
Fab lesson as always dude ..
Defo like rubbing your belly and tapping your head at the same time ..
I’ve gotta lot to learn 😳
Fab lesson as always dude ..
I’ve gotta lot to learn 😳
At 18:34 Brian mentions box 4 of E min pentatonic but C# (string 1, fret 9) is not part of that scale. C# is part of the maj pentatonic. Is Brian just mixing maj and min notes here?
very cool! Can you say something about the technique for getting that muted bass string sound? thanks
Very nice but not easy. I find it hard to move my thumb in rhythm. It just doesn’t work independently form the other fingers so the basspart sounds very irregular. Well, maybe just a matter of keep practicing.
Thanks Brian,
So much usable gold in this lesson. EXCEPT, I went to my electric to learn. My acoustics are not parlor but dreadnought size guitars and my old shoulder wouldn’t let me practice long in the proper arm position. BUT please keep bringing us your experience, your stories and your great teachings.
Excuse the length of this comment but a lot has happened for me, thanks to you and your lessons.
You have inspired this old blues player to participate in an open mic session, after 40 years of not performing in public. Even though I did everything you shouldn’t do. I listened too much to the bass and harmonica instead of my own instrument, I got lost in my own song (what was that about). Even after all that I was asked to play four songs and actually got applause for one of my solos. They gave me the call sign “Blues Bob”. I have since practiced and basically gotten my old confidence and chops back, thanks to you and Quist. Another big thank you for him.
All that was not intended to be about me. I think a lot of us would appreciate your notes on performing in public. I did, comfortably, for years in the sixties but lost it that night. I am going to a more professional venue next week, “back on the horse” and will let you know how that went, if you wish.
My Best….
I have had difficulty with the thumb independence and beat all that sync. It wasn’t until I started make beat with my foot and bobbin my head like a groove thing. That’s when it clicked and finally just now can really start but it took me quite a while
More fingerstyle!! This is great
I love this, Brian, thanks! It’s really fun to play.
Perfect wee blues lesson Brian. I agree with others, any chance of more of the same.
I know the theory stuff like cage systems and major and minor pentatonic scales are important but tbh they are kinda over my head.
I love these 1 minute little blues tunes that I can concentrate on till my fingers bleed, and the feeling of achievement after 5 or 6 weeks when I finally got them nailed.
So please keep them coming…. I’d die happy if I had 10 of these great wee blues tunes in my repertoire.
Fantastic teaching by you Brian, the tab downloads combined with the loop and speed controls on offer on the videos are first class.
Best wishes from Bonnie Scotland, UK.
More like this one Brian…A great composition to get the thumb working!
Excellent 👍
You call this easy IF you are comfortable using fingers 2,3 and 4 independently on different strings. That in and of itself is, for me, is considerably harder by a factor of 10 than that of doing the thumb thing I’d like a lesson to practice using my other fingers before I ever try to tackle that song. I’d say 90% of the technique is using the fingers.
Not sure what was different, maybe it was the speed of the thing, but I saw all the connections to why I was where I was on the fretboard. I didn’t get the thumb rhythm yet but everything else led to noodling some actual music. Progress! Thanks Brian!
I love it……!!!!!!
Hi Brian. Just wana thank you. I gota feeling :)) that I finali geting somewhere with playing guitar. Actually I learned how to play couple of songs and understanding whats goin on . Long way from home ( I am from Croatia bdw ) but where is home, allways more to learn. Anyway I stick in the moment and rid of ambition and is working thanks to Your lessons.
Hvala ( on croatian languge….thank you )