With all of the choices for basic guitar lessons online, it’s extremely easy to feel overwhelmed and even frustrated while trying to determine the right solution for you. This site is designed to be completely transparent regarding what is being offered by giving the first half of each lesson away for free, so that you can determine if it’s right for you. So if you haven’t already, start clicking through the various basic guitar lessons in the “Lessons” section.
Another frustration point that I often hear is that a lot of guitar lesson videos are too advanced, or that the instructor either 1) assumes you know more than you do or 2) is more interested in showing off his/her skills than actually teaching. I try very hard in each lesson to cover all aspects from the most basic guitar lesson level to advanced. So that if you’re a beginner, you can watch the full video that has the complete narrative and all of the explanations behind the notes, yet if you’re a more intermediate or advanced player, you can watch the slow walk-through video which skips the lengthy explanation and cuts to the chase.
So if you’re looking for simple / basic guitar lessons and don’t feel like dealing with the more theoretical, complicated lessons, be sure to check out the “Lessons” section of this site.