In this week’s guitar lesson, you’ll learn how to play beautiful harmonies (harmonized 3rds and harmonized 6ths) by connecting them to the chord shapes – much easier to visualize this way.
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walkthrough
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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Nice Tex-Mex vibe
Beautifully melodic. Excited to get started on this. Sounds very useful.
You always make it sound so good and look so easy. Can’t wait to learn this one. Thanks Brian
Feels a little Ry Cooder
I love it! Sounds Spanish and country. I feel pretty comfortable playing harmonies because of previous lessons but this one really ties them all together. I don’t have to think about the harmonies, just the tune,which speeds up learning it. Great little tune you came up with. That’s where I wish I was musically, creating the tunes in the first place.
Marty Robbins is smiling.
I’m feeling Marty Robbins
Lots of great connections here with chord shapes from caged. I am going to love playing around with these ideas and sounds. It’s really amazing how the original triads can be reduced even further to only two strings and have such a full sound. I was taught a long time ago how to go from the lower strings to the higher strings playing harmonized thirds but using them the way you are showing pulls it together more to make a more complete sound. Need to play with these a lot. These ideas could also be used to play rhythm, like last weeks lesson. Another wonderful lesson. Thanks
Very nice. I was working on double stops today, so this is just what I needed.
Thank you
I think it has a famous cousin , La Paloma
Golden nugget Brain, Thank you yet again happy days.
Very cool Brian, love the coda
Brian, I’ve said it many times but you are such a good teacher.
Like Mike R said above, I like to see these harmonized 3rds and 6ths within the full triad shape and those triads within the context of the CAGED shapes of the chord family of the key.