In this lesson I show you how to play an Albert Collins style lead guitar solo. I have listened to Albert’s stuff for years and tried to learn some of the licks many years ago, but while creating this lesson I was surprised at 1) just how much of my playing was inspired by Albert and 2) how difficult it is to play it the way he does. When you watch him play he makes it look so effortless.. using just his thumb and pointer finger, his strap over his right shoulder – it just looks like might be playing casually, but then you analyze what he’s doing and it really is amazing. I’ve pulled some various licks from live recordings of his to piece together this solo, so that there are no copyright infringements.Also, for the tone, Albert played on a Telecaster with a Humbucker pickup – so to get closer to the sound I’m using my Gibson ES-335 in this lesson. Also, the sound is pretty heavy (lots of overdrive) – I’m using a Boss BD-2 Bluesdriver pedal for that, and also using a lot of reverb (as he did). Hopefully you’ll have fun with this lesson – feel free to post a comment if you have a question.
Albert Collins Guitar Lesson
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Yet another top quality lesson Brian! As a bass player for many years, your site has inspired me to make the jump to 6 strings 🙂
Can’t wait to start your Blues lead course, was looking over it last night, absolute bargain!
Thanks man - glad to see that we’re converting you from 4 to 6 strings :) Are the the one yesterday that asked me if I teach bass lessons?
Wasn’t me, be cool to see your bass videos though 🙂
Hi! Brian, do you want to create some Gary Moore lessons& It will be brilliant !
Awesome work Brian, thank you very much. The Iceman is a huge influence for me….love the hanging around on a particular note that he seems to do.
I remember the first time I heard him was in this B grade movie called Adventures in Babysitting, where he sang ‘Babysitting Blues’ with Elizabeth Shue….terrible movie….awesome licks though.
Funny you should say that, Adventures In Babysitting was where I first saw him too. “nobody leaves here without singing the blues.”
Thanks Brian. Nice work. I am now an Albert Collins fan. He is on my radar the next time I visit the local music store.
Hay Brian what do ya have your amp set to get that sound ?
@droidlizard - Cool… Albert’s the man. There are lots of clips of him on YouTube you can check out as well
@evansb - I wasn’t using an amp on this… only amp modeling. So to get this sound I was using a Boss BD-2 Blues pedal.. with the overdrive about half way up… and then running that through a POD amp modeler - with the reverb cranked. If you listen to Albert Collins stuff you’ll notice he’s got a LOT of reverb
I have paid my membership fee, but the downloads are not recognised - says there’s an error. Help!
@slared - I’m not sure what’s going on. Do you mind sending me an email directly so that we can sort this out.. my email address is brian (at) activemelody (dot) com - It may be a security setting within your browser.. try downloading Google Chrome browser (it’s free) and see if you’re still getting the same error message.
From what I can gather online Albert often tuned to an open F-minor tuning low to high: F-C-F-Ab-C-F, with the capo on the 8th fret it was Dm.
this is great Brian……I cannot seem to download any jam track even with me being a paid member can you help me?
@Phildemis - just scroll up on this page (or any of the guitar lesson pages) and look just above the embedded video for the blue buttons (tab & jam track). You’ll be able to download there.
hmmmmm, believe me I got that part, what I am saying is a box opens up with the log in info and pay $5 part even though I have logged in. ……and keeps doing that.
@Phildemis can you email be separate (out of this thread) so that we can resolve this. My email address is brian (at) - shoot me an email with 1) your email address that you use with this account and 2) when you purchased so I can see what’s going on.
Hi Brian. Will you be running something about correct fretting and how to get good vibrato? John
Good virbrato I can do (I can create a video and try to explain) - what did you mean regarding correct fretting?
Hi Brian. By fretting I mean getting the clarity of tone right by pressing the fingers correctly on the fret.
Can you put a video on the basics ov vibrato I keep trying but I need some basics so I can get it right
Awesome lessons Thanks a lot!
Just begin 1 month ago and make solo blues… again thanks Brian
Great lesson, love Albert Collins and love the blues, thanks for all your sharing …
hi,thankyou ,i have just joined i liked your blues lessons
and i would like to hear more thankyou. Andrew007
I enjoyed a lot. I would like to propose other lesson in the style of Albert Collins. Maybe a complete song.
I just discovered your site and signed up today. Albert Collins is one of my favorites, and your lessons are great! I’ve been taking lessons from my dad for almost a year now, and I think with the additional lessons you have here I’ll be able to get to where I want to be!
I was an entertainment photographer in Chicago in the 70’s and 80’s. I mostly covered the blues clubs for the papers and magazines. I once asked Albert why he uses the capo. If you were to shake hands with Albert you’d notice how big his hands were. A Telecaster has a very fast neck and the capo brings the strings closer. If you have big fingers, this helps you not to go so deep in to the strings. And also gives you speed. He also rarely used a pick.
I am amazed at how Albert capos at the 7th fret and plays his killer licks from there. He said he grew up listening to his cousin play and thats the way he ( cousin ) played. He also says he doesn’t know how to play in standarde tuning as this is the only way he has ever played. ALSO LOVE TO HEAR HIM PLAY ON GUITAR THE SOUNDS THAT HE MAKES WITH HIS VOICE. Albert is truly an amazing guitar playing and I love that you are influenced by him. You can’t go wrong there, right. Great job you’re doing here and look forward to spending a lot of time on your site. God bless bro and keep on rockin.
Can the backing track be downloaded onto an iphone? I tried but I cant find it anywhere when i do
is the Albert collins download not free anymore?
Currently traveling and only have a nylon string with me.
I somehow went through the Wind cries Mary and the Bo Diddley lessons on it - but this one will have to wait till I get back to my electric 😉
Still a great lesson,
hi, i cannot download tabs etc . it asks me to pay 5 dollars premium and log in again. I haven’t been able to download any tabs at all. anyone else having the same problems?
Absolutely love Albert Collins. Can’t seem to get my friends into him… their loss. Thank you so much Brian for the lesson, I’m new to the site but soaking up as much as I can.
Hi Brian . Just signed up for your yearly offer . been following your free lessons for a couple of years now . great work . You are 1 of 3 guitar lesson sites I now use . Your lessons are laid out very well . Big value Brian . Thank you
Could we have the slow version of this course on video ?
I realize that for copyright reasons you have to avoid doing a note for note transcription of a song. I am curious about the Jam Track. I am not that familiar with Albert Collins body of work. What would be a good Albert Collins song(s)to listen to that has a similar rhythmic style to the Jam track? It seems to mix rock, blues and zydeco into a great little uptempo jam.
new to music theory. Question is this piece written in key of Bb C Dorian mode?